Example sentences of "made no attempt " in BNC.

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1 She made no attempts to decorate it , to domesticate it , to possess it ; she let it be , and her things lay in it .
2 Shocked , they started up , but they made no attempt to cover their nakedness .
3 Inventing farfetched excuses , she left me trapped in her flat and made no attempt to help me look for work .
4 The American critics were usually poets themselves ; Leavis made no attempt to be a creative writer — though he has been claimed as such by Ian Robinson — but his own criticism emerged from the Cambridge milieu of the twenties , where Eliot was a dominant influence .
5 To make matters worse , Newsweek said that ‘ Giuliani joined in the nervous laughter ’ and made no attempt to rebuke Mr Mason .
6 They made no attempt to cover up the disagreement with beautiful words .
7 They made no attempt to catch the thugs .
8 Rank was so convinced that making expensive films was the way to break through into the American market that he made no attempt to rein back costs .
9 Yet , until very recently , the local health authority made no attempt to provide any kind of rehabilitation for their former patient .
10 It seemed such an impossible feat to make the best of a bad deal that he made no attempt at it .
11 Also in his favour was the demeanour of his mount , for although Mandarin must have felt horribly unbalanced he made no attempt to take advantage of this unwonted freedom and run away .
12 They all spent time reassuring Fiona until the worst of the worry unwound from her body and I watched the movement of her silver-blond hair in the soft lights and made no attempt to throw doubts because it would have achieved nothing good .
13 Sunderland made no attempt to sit on their lead , however , and looked just as likely as Norwich to score in a second half which comfortably surpassed the first in entertainment value .
14 STARS & STRIPES became Stars & Gripes yesterday , as her crew made no attempt to conceal their disgust at an umpires ' decision which cost them their race against Bill Koch 's Kanza .
15 Actually , I made no attempt to define anything .
16 Since all the members of the family made no attempt to hide their feelings of antipathy , Mathilde 's behaviour was in itself not particularly remarked on by those who packed the huge interior of Notre Dame :
17 Wilcox made no attempt to introduce Robyn to anyone , though she was aware that she was an object of curiosity in these surroundings .
18 Evans made no attempt to conceal his satisfaction .
19 But Herbert , for all his bourgeois , very respectable Victorian background and his own tendency to womanizing , made no attempt to dissuade his son .
20 But it only increased the suspicion with which they were regarded by some of the boys , and there were those who were upset by the homosexuality which John and some of his friends made no attempt to hide .
21 From then on idle chit-chat returned and I made no attempt to direct things back to what I believed were more important matters .
22 He made no attempt to talk to anybody , he did n't chat to the audience , which he did during the warm-up spots as the proper Wedding Present , ’ he says .
23 They made no attempt to molest me in any way , and after having hugged the post for about five minutes they went over to see if any of the Museums were open .
24 Then when she was going out the next day and I made no attempt to open it , she said ‘ Where 's yer manners ? ‘
25 The adrenalin was pumping away , but as the marksmen made no attempt to tell us to strip off and the minutes dragged by , so it began to ease away .
26 Karen made no attempt to break away or to respond .
27 I made no attempt to impress or ingratiate .
28 I could have got away with murder that Saturday night , although under the present circumstances I had better add that I made no attempt to do so .
29 Her right knee was raised to form a screen that prevented Dennis from seeing what was going on , but she made no attempt to conceal it from me .
30 But the police made no attempt to contact any of them , for the obvious reason that such evidence would have been a severe embarrassment to their preconceived ideas .
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