Example sentences of "long association with " in BNC.

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1 Probably the greatest scientific panjandrum of the 19th century , Thomson had a long association with transoceanic cables .
2 His contributions included his work with Scripture Union , his long association with Cambridge University Mission , and his leading role with Andy Pierssene in setting up the Oxford Boys ' Club Trust .
3 That claim may have been sheer bravado , but given his long association with US intelligence , the general undoubtedly has enough mud to splatter many of his erstwhile US friends .
4 Today 's theme will serve us satisfactorily as a basis for our meditation , because water has had a long association with such images of healing , blessing and anointing .
5 Throughout Man 's long association with the Horse , the most successful horsemen have been those who have used some degree of knowledge of psychology or understanding of the horse , rather than trying to dominate the horse with force .
6 Joyce Barker has had a long association with Trinity Mill and recalls that the gearing was so light and precise that , even as a child of five , she could easily control the milling process and the sack hoist !
7 Langdale had a long association with spinning and weaving and there were several galleries in the area .
8 The parish church , at any rate , certainly has the only lead font in Derbyshire , despite the county 's long association with lead mining .
9 This record of his playing career and long association with our club is another appreciation of him .
10 This production in 1900 started a long association with Blackpool .
11 Ayrshire has had a long association with the aeroplane , mainly centred on Prestwick Airport and the companies which have built aircraft on the site .
12 Folk music has a long association with classical music , why not include that ?
13 includes Miles Davis [ ‘ Bitches Brew ’ ] and a long association with Keith Jarrett ) and the pacey acoustic bass of Ira Coleman .
14 In this way began the darkest chapter in the cat 's long association with mankind .
15 Robin Prentice , who died during the winter , became the Scottish Cricket Union 's Administrator in 1982 , retiring in 1990 and had a long association with the game in Scotland and as a wicket-keeper batsman with Uddingston in the Western Union .
16 ‘ That would indeed ’ , Attlee told the Cabinet , ‘ be an inglorious end to our long association with India ’ , and he set his face firmly against such a course .
17 The company has a long association with Ford , and recently introduced the 1400 cc Rover powered K-Series of cars .
18 The German Soccer Federation were n't convinced by Daum , the man who was often controversial in his long association with Cologne .
19 ‘ CADBURY NUMBER 1 ’ an old 0-4-0 tank locomotive liveried in maroon and lined-out in yellow and black and locally known as ‘ Lolloper ’ due to its riding qualities , or ‘ The Fruit and Nut Case ’ from its original long association with the chocolate factory at Bourneville in Birmingham , hauled a short freight train on another adjacent road to the ‘ Main Line ’ .
20 It was during these years that the new Canadian designed Noorduyn Norseman began its long association with Red Lake .
21 Miss Gabriel retired from the secretaryship in order to become chairman in January 1941 , and on that occasion she told of her long association with the Guild , which she was chiefly instrumental in establishing thirty years previously .
22 Erm that means we have a stall on Tuesday the twenty fourth , Wednesday we 've got our meeting here with the speaker about , were having Mike speaking on Czechoslovakian now and he 'll be telling us his experiences over there and his had a long association with Czechoslovakia and Harlow and Thursday were having a market stall with a jazz band and Norman could probably tell us more about that .
23 Citalia is proud of its long association with this elegant hotel .
24 But by the end of the Sixties , Lagerfeld was back , having freelanced for various companies in Italy , and started his long association with the Fendis doing , as he puts it , ‘ funny things ’ for them .
25 The new " Ring " , however , still stages major races and a round the world sports car championship is held over the famous circuit to maintain the long association with one of motor racing 's most forbidding and famous circuits .
26 Preston had a long association with railway stations .
27 Those who have absorbed this cultural tradition by long association with the extreme right , are not likely to discard easily the assumptions of their political ideology .
28 I have already described the Croydon Corporation case , which was the result of an epidemic of typhoid , and I have mentioned my long association with the Royal College of Psychiatrists , and the fact that my only medical qualification is as an honorary fellow of that college .
29 He has , of course , come into recent prominence through a long association with the late Robert Maxwell .
30 He refused to compromise in any way and , throughout his long association with the club , only mastered two words in English , both of which he frequently practised on referees .
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