Example sentences of "men [vb past] themselves " in BNC.

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1 Yet the sensitivities of both for the sufferings of men , women , and children drawn unwillingly into the war reflect something of the way in which thinking men asked themselves whether war was , in fact , not so much a way to peace as the prolongation of bitter conflict .
2 Two of the men flung themselves down on a bench , scabbards clattering , while the third strode forward , kicking Isabel 's abandoned bucket out of his path .
3 Men shouted themselves hoarse proclaiming cock fights , dog battles , and savage contests never seen before between wild hogs and mangy bears .
4 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
5 The prosecution alleges the two men helped themselves to cash , having forced the two cashiers to lie on the floor at gunpoint .
6 Such men found themselves , however , fighting what became all too clearly a rearguard action .
7 The ceremony was supposed to start at 2 pm on the 29th : the Gulf on whose beach the men found themselves had been named San Miguel because of the happy coincidence of the feast day .
8 Improbable though it may sound , Rutland men found themselves having , with ‘ much heauiness ’ , to fork out on the basis of the full value of their property which they had unguardedly divulged .
9 In October 1950 when Lehmann had a reconciliation lunch with Keith Vaughan at the Ivy restaurant after some disagreement , the two men found themselves discussing Minton and Ricky Stride ‘ and the morality of letting a friend ruin himself if that is his deepest impulse ’ .
10 Within four hours it was all over , and the following morning thousands of officers and men found themselves incarcerated in the Cittadella , the great sixteenth-century fortress built by the Farnese on the outskirts of the city .
11 It is of course true that the coming of Jesus did bring a fire upon the earth , a fire of judgment ; men judged themselves by their response to him .
12 Once more the three men buried themselves in the mud and waited until another passing cloud allowed them to advance a few more yards .
13 If Geertz is right that cockfighting is , perceived from a particular angle , an instance of how Balinese men imagined themselves to be , it is an imaginary projection Geertz too uncannily shares .
14 Made him realise why men drove themselves instead of staying at home in the loving arms of their wives .
15 None of this alters the fact that it is possible to use these adjectives with a tense value distinctively different from that of the preceding verb ; see ( 51 ) and the contrast in ( 52 ) : ( 51 ) we all know Cerrutty to have been fortunate ( 52 ) ( a ) in the test my men showed themselves alert ( b ) in the test my men showed themselves to have been alert In ( 52 ) , ( a ) would naturally be suitable when the men respond promptly during the test , and ( b ) when , for instance , they had been alert in paying attention to instructions given at some time before the test .
16 None of this alters the fact that it is possible to use these adjectives with a tense value distinctively different from that of the preceding verb ; see ( 51 ) and the contrast in ( 52 ) : ( 51 ) we all know Cerrutty to have been fortunate ( 52 ) ( a ) in the test my men showed themselves alert ( b ) in the test my men showed themselves to have been alert In ( 52 ) , ( a ) would naturally be suitable when the men respond promptly during the test , and ( b ) when , for instance , they had been alert in paying attention to instructions given at some time before the test .
17 The men defended themselves by arguing that the woman had consented to sex frequently and had done so on this occasion also .
18 Pursued by the press , both men hid themselves as well as they could .
19 No question of latrines under these conditions ; men relieved themselves where they lay , as best they could .
20 OVERNIGHT care for remand prisoners at Saughton prison in Edinburgh , where four men killed themselves last year , should be reviewed immediately , a sheriff said yesterday .
21 The older men established themselves over by the fireplace .
22 ( c. 29 ) Hincmar implicitly contrasts this situation with others — common enough no doubt — when men felt themselves coerced or duped .
23 A spokesman for the British UN forces in Vitez said the men gave themselves up into their protection after making their way from Travnik , where they had been held .
24 A priest was then brought in to mediate and the men gave themselves up .
25 But the siege ended peacefully after two unarmed men gave themselves up .
26 At the OK Corral — as she preferred to call what some of its visitors termed her quim ( the phrase struck her as useful after she 'd seen the Western ) — some men proved themselves and others came to grief , and both kinds had male competitors on their mind and wanted to outgun them .
27 Among the Tchambuli , yet further variation occurred : men adorned themselves , gossiped , made things for trade , while women selected their partners , made the sexual advances , did all the trade , and were the more aggressive sex .
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