Example sentences of "took a drink " in BNC.

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1 She took a drink of her wine , and then , disconcertingly , asked , ‘ What 's all this about a boyfriend ? ’
2 I took a drink from one of the twenty-four plastic gallon containers which I had been collecting for two years .
3 Other cottagers the teacher from Glasgow visited gave him a proof of their kindness ; they presented him with a large basin of milk : he took a drink of it , and would have left the remainder , but they signalled to him to drink it all , and the old man stood opposite the door to prevent his getting away till he was obliged , in answer to Gaelic gesticulations , to drink all the milk that was in the basin .
4 The bastard knew when I took a drink .
5 She took a drink and sat back to think .
6 He pushed the map away , uncorked his canteen , and took a drink of cold tea .
7 ‘ It 's nice to be missed , ’ Laidlaw muttered then took a drink of beer .
8 Ruth took a drink of hot coffee .
9 He took a drink from the bottle himself , leaning across her to do so .
10 He took a drink .
11 My friend told me that Haavikko took a drink of some kind .
12 Kenneth grinned , took a drink of his whisky and water .
13 He took a drink of his coffee , with a slight dismissive shrug .
14 He took a drink and went on , " Okay , so they 're invading Earth , but they 're doing it as a tax dodge so that — "
15 He took a drink and looked at the other young man .
16 He took a drink .
17 He took a drink .
18 They both took a drink then Gerry spoke ,
19 I took a drink .
20 Miguel poured more wine , and took a drink before saying coolly , ‘ That wo n't be possible , I 'm afraid , because the bonus is n't in cash . ’
21 Jordan sighed and took a drink .
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