Example sentences of "to do a bit " in BNC.

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1 A few scenes stood out awkwardly : Robyn soothing her tearful female student who ca n't do her essay because has to do a bit of modelling to make up her grant ( 'It 's not fair , ’ she sobs , in one of the script 's less ingenious lines ) ; Robyn 's unlikely outburst at a Pringle meeting when an Asian worker is nominated for sacking .
2 Portugal , who beat England 1-0 in the last World Cup , need to do a bit more than that next Wednesday to deny the Czechoslovakians a place in next year 's finals — they need to win by four goals .
3 Not that I was n't able to do a bit of Godmother , Fairy , problems-for-the-solving-of act this year .
4 He wanted to do a bit before New York and it worked because before the tour started , there was very little interest in New York , but it sold out in Cleveland which we knew it would , and both shows were great , by which time word got back to New York instantly , as it does , and by the time the show at Carnegie Hall happened , it was sold out .
5 Some , but only some , members of the resistance distinguish between the Palestinians who were brought in by the Iraqis to do a bit of their dirty work , and Kuwait 's large and long-established Palestinian population .
6 ‘ Things are obviously becoming very busy and I went in over the weekend to do a bit of work .
7 Ruari and Ranald normally lazed about , cut peat , or borrowed a boat and rowed out to do a bit fishing to stock up for the winter , while Luch did her usual tasks and her usual check on the baby — the babies , now — in the bower .
8 It helped when I used to do a bit of coal-bag carrying in my spare time to earn some pin money .
9 They used to call him ‘ Stan the Man ’ at Hartsbourne where he used to do a bit of spare-time caddying .
10 ‘ It would n't hurt you to do a bit , ’ said Nelly roundly .
11 Uncle used to do a bit because he liked fiddling with machines , and the one we had in the early days was borrowed and not really suitable .
12 ‘ I like to do a bit for charity now and then . ’
13 This requires you to do a bit of work .
14 He may need to do a bit of work on the accent , but McIntosh is beginning to sound like a natural Scottish no.8 .
15 Items that would previously have been classified as extraordinary will still be disclosed , but the reader will have to do a bit of work to find them .
16 ‘ But really I just want him to know that he 's got to do a bit of work , that he can walk , that he can get around . ’
17 I just used to do a bit of cottaging , picking people up , particularly during the war ; that was the heyday in picking people up so easily — in crowded trains , in the blackout — but it was always just the one-off .
18 ‘ He was n't put on contract because we felt he had to do a bit more to earn one .
19 There 's about fifty Europeans on the island — including Americans — and there 's plenty of men anxious to do a bit of gardening , or women ready to earn a day 's wages doing the laundry — you saw them at work — or sewing .
20 Here is more than the chance to do a bit of direct selling or attract further commissions ; there should be the desire to communicate and work with others .
21 Pundits who have insisted — with the great assurance that is a constant companion of shallow minds — that the demise of the mainframe is imminent , will be forced to do a bit of dancing .
22 Also out to do a bit of Pentium party-pooping were NEC Corp and MIPS Technologies Inc , with launch of the low-power 64-bit VR4200 RISC , which dissipates less than 1.5W , making it suitable for battery-powered portables capable of running Windows NT .
23 ‘ I have to do a bit of planning .
24 ‘ You mean that this might give me a chance to do a bit of snooping , ’ I said .
25 Out to do a bit of Pentium party-pooping last week were NEC Corp and MIPS Technologies Inc , with launch of the low-power 64-bit VR4200 RISC , which dissipates less than 1.5W , making it suitable for battery-powered portables capable of running Windows NT .
26 With the diameter of the sphere measured all you have to do is return to your school days to do a bit of geometry involving pi ( πD ) , which will give you the circumference .
27 So I decided to do a bit of checking .
28 The relation [ 4 ] enables an electron to do a bit of creative dealing , borrowing energy uncertainty against time .
29 Most translators will try to do a bit of both .
30 But before you get the graphic into your document you need to do a bit of donkey work to place it properly , setting up your own margins and tabs to make room for the image .
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