Example sentences of "within [art] limit " in BNC.

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1 The second was an untidy and protracted business , stretching on through the spring and summer and coinciding with the refusal of The Possessed to be contained within the limits of a ‘ tendentious ’ sideshow .
2 A full page is devoted to each run , pinpointing steepness , mogul fields , trees , buildings , and the like , the object being to keep the skier within the limits of his or her capability .
3 Within the limits of detection , we have got rid of the Aids virus . ’
4 DMs original idea was that anyone could find something brilliant to create within the limits of their ( in ) competence .
5 Within the limits set for him , Mr Perez de Cuellar did well .
6 Users of finance , most notably companies , operate within the limits imposed from outside : taxes , the cost of money , the rules and institutions governing financial distress .
7 We make settlements by which we provide that property shall devolve from one person to another within the limits which the law allows , e.g. to a man , then to his wife , then to be divided among his children .
8 The range of permissible investments , for instance , is defined by statute in so far as the settlement makes no provision ; but , even within the limits of investment allowed by statute or settlement , a trustee may incur liability by want of due care in exercising his discretion .
9 This and other statements were clear enough , and it seems a little one-sided to attribute causal power to one set of statements — those which encouraged Protestants to reject the O'Neill government — and yet deny causal power to those statements which called for such rejection to be confined within the limits of legality .
10 Within the limits of the canons ' active pastoral life , Chrodegang stressed the communal liturgy .
11 His Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone expounds what he saw as the ethical basis of religion .
12 British Nuclear Fuels has always denied that its operations cause the sort of dangers alleged by its critics , and affirmed that its discharges and exposure levels are kept within the limits laid down by the regulatory authorities .
13 ( i ) The highest possible operating convenience and efficiency ; ( ii ) Easy and direct means of access and egress for passengers and vehicles ; ( iii ) The standardization of construction and equipment as far as the site and circumstances permit ; ( iv ) Its immediate recognition as a railway station within the limits of harmony with its surrounding .
14 Despite staying well within the limits and depths of recognised dive tables , divers are still getting bent .
15 If the burrowing earthworm population can be sufficiently built up , soil fertility ( within the limits of its potential ) will take care of itself .
16 If your child stays within the limits you set , she has your approval and praise .
17 It is the intention and the spirit of the Act to encourage them to be more accountable to their Boards of Governors , and , to a large extent , to become self-sufficient within the limits of their given finance and income generated by legitimate business activities .
18 You may bring to the Home any possessions or furniture within the limits of space in the building .
19 Under Article 1 of Protocol 1 of the treaty , the United Kingdom undertook to apply the statute of denuclearisation in respect of warlike purposes as defined in Articles 1 , 3 , 5 and 13 of the treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America in territories for which dejure and/or defacto , the UK is internationally responsible , and which lie ‘ within the limits of the geographical zone established in that treaty ’ .
20 This disagrees with the earlier claim by Eddy and Boornazian , but falls within the limits set by theorists ( including Sofia , himself a member of the group headed , alphabetically by Dunham ) on the basis of measurements of the solar constant .
21 Within the limits of the one party dictatorship prevailing in the Soviet Union Bukharin could be considered to be a consensus politician , seeking growth through co-operation not conflict .
22 In places to which the public has right of access , save where the flow of information must be restricted by reason of confidentiality , members have an obligation to facilitate the flow of information and ideas and to protect and promote the rights of every individual to have free and equal access to sources of information without discrimination and within the limits of the law .
23 A significant proportion of the public must have the impression that their library services are regularly prey to the ad hoc , impulsive indulgence of liberal/authoritarian , prurient/puritanical , left-wing/right-wing librarians , rather than guided by a set of selection policies trying to achieve a balance of users ' and nonusers ' educational and leisure needs and preferences , circumscribed by statutory requirements , within the limits of financial reality .
24 These two Acts provided , amongst other things , powers to fine trades unions and to sequestrate their funds should they fail to control picketing and protest within the limits set down .
25 All this is straightforward enough , and is at the heart of liberal democracy , respecting dissent and minority opinion within the limits of the law .
26 A map can be very useful if there is one available , or a conducted tour of the land , but it is your responsibility to ensure that you stay within the limits of the concessions that have been made to you .
27 One other possible implication of the magic formula is that the Crown is alienable by the monarch , within the limits permitted by the common law rules of limitation .
28 Within the limits of a suitable environment for the kind of fish we intend to keep , any style of decor which appeals to the fishkeeper should be acceptable .
29 A lot of hand-waving about the overthrow of Newtonian determinism by quantum physics obscures the fact that Newtonian physics remains true enough within the limits in which we live our lives .
30 What we imagine or desire is what we get — within the limits of our potentiality , at a given time , and a given place ; that is , as aforementioned , when the conditions are conducive .
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