Example sentences of "really means [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary , therefore , to grasp what public relations really means before you decide to spend time and effort trying to get a job in it .
2 The D sharp note really means that this is a Blues Scale lick as opposed to a pure Pentatonic lick , but just think of the extra note as a passing note .
3 We feel ‘ responsible ’ ( which really means that they are not or should not be responsible ) , and believe that they should be taking matters more easily , accepting their situation and peacefully ‘ enjoying ’ their last years of life .
4 COUNSEL : Do n't you think , Mr Technol , that this range really means that you can not put a figure to these considerable forces ?
5 Finally , the description unenforceable really means that up until the time of judgment it was valid but thereafter can not be used as a basis for an action .
6 The researchers ' long-term aim is to find out what being a good enough parent really means and their conclusions to this million-dollar question will be eagerly awaited .
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