Example sentences of "really refer [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the reference to the barge really refers to an account in a play of a scene which we do not and in some ways could not witness , a scene which may never have taken place in those terms .
2 He will undoubtedly find that the very term ‘ baptism ’ is a difficult one to use all the time , since it really refers to the rite of immersing in or sprinkling with water as a sign of purification and , with Christian churches , admission to the Church .
3 The constraint of positive sanctions really refers to the general way in which the desire to seek the approval of others ( though , sometimes , their disapproval ) can influence our behaviour .
4 Indeed Goldsmith and Newton ( 1986 , p. 104 ) argue that there is a sense in which ‘ the phrase central-local government relations is a misnomer ; what the term really refers to is a set of London-based relations between central government and the national local government community .
5 The term , when being used to justify the statement that increased quality reduces costs , really refers to reliability of the product and its delivery according to pre-specified attributes ( i.e. order-winning criteria ) .
6 Whether Luther really referred to Copernicus as a fool has been doubted , but in an off-the-cuff dismissal he remembered that Joshua had told the sun , not the earth , to stand still .
7 What do you , so you 've got to really refer to the Hebrew to find the truth have n't you ?
8 What they really refer to and bring to expression is his meaning for us ; and their significance is to be grasped afresh , not by their simple repetition , but by returning behind them to the history of Jesus ' life and teaching , and to the message of his cross and resurrection .
9 Er John Grantham , C P R E , erm just coming back to the to the general questions you you asked earlier about about erm consistency with guidance and and P P G three in particular , erm in in the written evidence we we 've addressed that , and I do n't wish to go over that ground short of saying that that I feel the contribution from er Mr Jewitt , which was Hambledon 's particularly helpful in that regard in in I think explaining erm how government guidance is different now to when to how it was er at the earlier deliberations of the Greater York authorities , and I feel that that 's very important consideration erm , I 'd I 'd like to restrict my my comments just to two points , and they they both really refer to things that were introduced by the representative from from Barton Willmore .
10 When we talk about black holes , what we are really referring to are these gravitational fields .
11 Looking at the time-reversal paradoxes again , we see that what they are really referring to is information , rather than particles .
12 But when you think of er It 's not really referring to the beauty of the world .
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