Example sentences of "where i am " in BNC.

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1 I try and see where I can get out , but it 's pretty dark where I am — I ca n't hardly see anything except these trolley things .
2 To tell the truth , I ai n't really sure where I am .
3 I 'm warm and tired and the ground 's soft , so I just lie down where I am and shut my eyes .
4 After giving your letter to my ‘ bonne ’ yesterday I gave up the fight and retired in good order to bed , where I am still .
5 Dear God , thought Alida , is it any wonder I am going where I am going , is it any wonder ?
6 I ca n't even stay in a hotel because people find out where I am and they make life a bit of a pain .
7 Finally , my old friend Alistair Sampson set me up with a cheerful office over his shop in the Brompton Road , where I am gathering stock and beginning life again .
8 No it is n't quite as simple as that , not sitting where I am sitting .
9 He asked for them to be clearly marked , packed in damp moss and sent to Lord Cornbury 's by Oxford Chapel , ‘ where I am to be around generally any morning before ten if you ever have time to call ’ .
10 to be and where I am ;
11 I feel 1 am transported into paradise where I am taken by the hand by Kabir the Weaver and led into the enchanted gardens where Li Po and Kalidas and Rumi sing forever .
12 But there is , however , one single paddle stroke where I am willing to use the word ‘ wrong ’ and that is the low brace .
13 And I kept answering ‘ No , I 'm safe where I am . ’
14 The response was overwhelming and I was able to raise over £1,000 which was added to other monies raised by the branch of J Sainsbury 's plc where I am employed and we were able to hand over to Terry Scott a cheque for £10,000 .
15 I — we — the spirit world is assumed where I am coming from .
16 It 's got me where I am today .
17 Only my problem is , all my package-tour details were in the small valise , and — would you believe it ? — I can not for the life of me recall where I am checked in .
18 He could n't have failed to note Vincent 's other , contradictory moods and feelings , such as , ‘ It does n't matter in the least where I am . ’
19 I 'm not looking to move out at the moment — I 'm quite happy where I am .
20 And it does n't matter where I am , I can call him up .
21 I am quite happy where I am and I will continue to do my job . ’
22 We finally settled for a modern house in a village three miles away , where I am still living .
23 You know nobody takes me seriously and it 'd be a disaster if I ran out of gas where I am now . ’
24 She knows , from this , roughly where I am .
25 Too late in the day because all the hotels are full and I end up tramping round in the dark , lugging my pack and money ( cash , a great wad of hard currency ) , nervous of the hatchet-faced youths who watch me meandering round , concentrating so intently on making it look as though I know exactly where I 'm heading that I soon have no idea where I am on the mapless streets of Algiers .
26 Where I am sometimes less happy is in the tonal quality of the upper string playing .
27 I am afraid of what I have done and where I am going .
28 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
29 If Mr Amsterdam loves you , it wo n't matter where I am . "
30 I long for my canvas and easel where I am my own master and the world is my own . ’
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