Example sentences of "number of days " in BNC.

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1 Meals on wheels may be offered any number of days per week .
2 The officials who sent them off from the ports with the loaded railway-wagons gave them rations for the number of days which the grain would in normal times take to its destination .
3 Mrs Margaret Jones : ‘ David arrived home carrying the statuette that he 'd won at the song contest that he 'd been to with Ken Pitt and dashed straight upstairs to see his father who had n't been well for a number of days .
4 In addition , the pace of wage reduction fell and only one-eighth of the amount was taken off the weekly wage bill between 1930–3 as was taken from the net weekly wage bill for 192 1.47 Also , there was little to suggest that the pattern and the style of industrial relations was greatly altered by the General Strike : the number of workers on strike and the number of days of work lost were already declining well before 1926 and there was a rise of industrial militancy in the late 1920s and early 1930s as unions attempted to resist the further wage cuts being advocated by employers .
5 One way of doing this is to count the number of days in any month where you were at or below a certain weight .
6 The process happens a precise number of days after flowering , and , if this has not occurred or been finished when the fruit is harvested , it will not ripen a jot more , whatever a street vendor swears .
7 ICI stipulates that she must work a certain number of days a year to keep in touch .
8 As a result , the number of days lost each year through strikes has fallen from an average 12.9 million in the 1970s to less than a million last year — the lowest figure since records began a century ago .
9 I relate this because some ten years after the conflict , that is to say when the wounds of bereavement had only superficially healed , my father was called into Mr John Silvers 's study to be told that this very same personage — I will call him simply ‘ the General ’ — was due to visit for a number of days to attend a house party , during which my father 's employer hoped to lay the foundations of a lucrative business transaction .
10 Despite the linguistic anomaly that the season called ‘ the time of inundation ’ would in due course fall in one of the other seasons , the Egyptians retained the 365-day calendar right down to the Roman period because of its convenience as an automatic record of the passage of time in an era , each year containing the same number of days , unlike our years .
11 A lunar month defined in this way must contain a whole number of days , but sometimes this was twenty-nine and sometimes thirty .
12 The sum of the first two gives the number of days in the week , the sum of all three gives the number of months in the year , and the sum of their squares gives the number fifty .
13 By manipulating the number of days in the intercalary month they could prolong a term of office or hasten an election , with the result that by the time of Julius Caesar the civil year was about three months out of phase with the astronomical year , so that the winter months fell in the autumn and the spring equinox came in the winter .
14 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
15 the average number of customers over the week ( add each day 's total customers together , then divide that total by the number of days in the working week ) .
16 This was supported by the correlation between the male 's condition at the start of the season and the number of days he spent incubating eggs .
17 Another process is sometimes adopted for getting rid of the sediment without the trouble of decanting in this mode ; the bottles are reserved in a frame proper for the purpose , for a certain number of days , so as to permit the foulness to fall into the neck ; while in this position , the cork is dexterously withdrawn and that portion of the wine that is foul , allowed to escape , after which the bottle is filled with clear wine , permanently corked and secured with wire .
18 A certain number of days are set aside throughout the session for non-governmental business .
19 Where a government is very keen to press on with its programme , and where it can foresee that it would otherwise be frustrated by pressure of time , it can move that a timetable be adopted for a particular measure and , if the House so resolves , the Business Committee of the House will arrange a programme for a particular Bill , setting aside a specific number of days for each stage .
20 Possibly the commonest example is the post-flu depression that can last for a number of days or even weeks after the physical symptoms of the influenza infection have cleared up .
21 The number of days of practice needed before the patient has the courage to try and translate the visualization into action varies considerably , not only from one individual to another but even as regards the different stages of a person 's treatment .
22 He accepted that it might well be difficult for practitioners to give instant answers to queries on old files , but pointed out that allowing a seven day delay for answers to be prepared would increase the number of days required for each visit ; this would both increase disruption to practitioners and put up costs , possibly even doubling them .
23 The interest rate quoted is applied to the principal for the number of days of the advance divided by 365 if this is a domestic UK sterling deal ( 360 days for Eurosterling and most currencies ) , and the interest is repaid together with the principal at the maturity date .
24 The individual , by comparison , has many more criteria to consider , namely the number of days present in the UK in any fiscal year ; the availability of accommodation ; the frequency and regularity of return visits .
25 A regulatory penalty can also be imposed where an ESL is late , and that is based on the number of days late .
26 The news media learned of the arrests next morning and over a number of days outraged protests went up from loyalist spokesmen , including leaders of loyalist political parties and Andrew Beattie 's colleagues on the Constitutional Stoppage Central Co-ordinating Committee .
27 Over a number of days , eleven men belonging to a gang were arrested who subsequently were convicted of nineteen horrific murders .
28 If the next time your DSO is measured the number of days has increased , your collection results are getting worse .
29 if non-delivery of a consignment , whether in part or whole , is not notified in writing within a specified number of days of despatch and a claim made in writing within a further specified number of days of despatch
30 if non-delivery of a consignment , whether in part or whole , is not notified in writing within a specified number of days of despatch and a claim made in writing within a further specified number of days of despatch
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