Example sentences of "man whose [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Informed of the conspiracy , Franco 's reaction was , at first sight , surprising , but entirely in keeping with the behaviour of a man whose responses were always based on strategy , never on emotion .
2 that , as a man whose responses are so dulled by routine that he can recall only 2 hr 17 min of unambiguous happiness in the past few years , I am not happy .
3 That 's a very different response from the man whose anxiety or guilt are aroused by his partner 's tears and shouts , walks away or who gives in to a woman 's demand without trying to understand what 's ‘ going on ’ .
4 No cause of death is given , but we may make an informed guess , for all that , that a man whose elder brother had been carried off by consumption was himself the victim of that ‘ white plague ’ which accounted for one-third of all deaths in the early years of the 19th century .
5 The Errol Flynn looks crumbled with age , and the man whose strike rate in first-class cricket was better than O'Reilly 's , Mailey 's or Grimmett 's entered the twilight world of trampdom under the bridges of the Yarra , drinking meths and fossicking for food in garbage-bins .
6 Ian Watson was a dedicated , somewhat highly strung young man whose intelligence would have enabled him to have passed his final exams had his father realised that a reasonable allowance was so necessary .
7 The Duke of Newcastle , an amiable obliging man whose sense of duty and failure to perceive his own inadequacies had led him to become Prime Minister in the last months of peace and to preside over the move to war , was now very well aware that things were falling apart .
8 Finch was a lanky man whose cello made him look even thinner .
9 Salim leaves them , takes off on the first of a series of ‘ flights ’ , and treks to the interior , to a country which appears to be compounded of the Congo and of Uganda , in order to earn a living from a store which he has acquired from a man whose daughter he is expected to marry one day .
10 A small man whose charm belied his determination , he had proved his abilities in action in France , and — what was probably more important at this stage of the commandos ' ill-fortunes — he knew his way around the Whitehall ministries .
11 Women who are raped receive about £5,000 compensation and , in one recent case , a man whose brain was badly damaged by another 's negligence received £22,000 for the pain and suffering .
12 Firstly , there are the so-called pronouns of laziness ( Geach , 1962 : 125ff ) , as in Karttunen 's well-known sentence ( see Lyons , 1977a : 673ff ) : ( 93 ) The man who gave his paycheck to his wife was wiser than the man who gave it to his mistress where it is not co-referential with his paycheck , but refers to what a repetition of that NP would have referred to ( namely the paycheck of the man whose mistress got it ) if it had occurred in place of it .
13 He was described as a man whose voice was important ‘ on the world stage ’ .
14 Any man whose voice softened at the mention of his mother could n't be all bad .
15 Margaret Lockwood plays a nurse who , on the eve of a bank holiday , has to console a man whose wife has just died in childbirth .
16 DETECTIVES hunting a man whose wife and two sons were murdered on the Bergerac island of Jersey discovered his body on wasteland yesterday .
17 N.B. A married man whose wife is totally incapacitated can also claim this allowance , in addition to the married couple 's allowance , if he has dependent children living at home .
18 All she had learned was that he was a man whose wife thought him the apple of her eye and who had tastes in Italian painting that were remarkably similar to her own .
19 Buck , the man who was possibly in danger , the man whose wife wanted him lost and gone forever , the man who might perhaps already …
20 Soon it would be said in England as it was said on the Continent , that a good Catholic is a man whose wife goes to church .
21 Do you seriously expect that I could contemplate an assignation with a man whose wife is lying in a hospital bed ? ’
22 More a bland statement of fact from a man whose decision to return to horse racing two years ago rescued him from a life of increasingly worrying seclusion following his term in prison for tax evasion .
23 The sound his long-toed riding-shoes made on the flags was not clumsy , and yet curiously halting , like the pace of a lame man whose lameness shows only when he forgets to brace himself .
24 One is left wondering whether it was a dream or one really had been listening to a man whose clothes and surroundings were obviously of little importance but who knew more Latin and Greek than one ever had , could quote the classics and poetry , would have one lost in the depths of philosophy , someone who was probably in a Gaelic world of his own and was translating into English for the benefit of his listener although the learning had largely been gathered in that language .
25 Last Of The Mohicans ’ violence is also romantic , centring on Daniel Day-Lewis ' virile , Indian-raised Hawkeye , a man whose creed is , as Mann says , ‘ The quintessence of the American myth of liberty and independence .
26 A man whose actions and motives she had plenty of cause to doubt .
27 Hymns was an alternately brutal , comic and touching study of pubescent schoolboys while his new work , dull morning cloudy mild , stems from the diary of an old man whose memories are bound up with his obsessive recording of the weather .
28 The novel opens with the child 's terrifying encounter with Magwitch , an escaped convict , in a lonely country churchyard , and his being forced to steal from his home food and a file for the man whose recapture he subsequently witnesses .
29 All of a sudden , Jack saw that his father was a sort of hero — a maddening , eccentric hero but a man whose decency , courage and good humour were as unshakable as his sincere piety .
30 A man whose ancestry was Jewish would be likely to have a name as this …
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