Example sentences of "world outside the " in BNC.

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1 We must have sport , drama and music to enrich the children , but I also have an objective to make the children aware of city life and the wider world outside the community of small agricultural villages .
2 By 1871 , Oldham had more cotton-spinning spindles than any country in the world outside the USA and it maintained that position of superiority until 1937 .
3 The immediate answer is an intolerance of dissent — be it political or economic — and a doctrinaire mistrust of the world outside the Middle Kingdom .
4 By the thirties there were picture-halls galore , over 130 , and with more cinemas than any other city in the world outside the United States , Glasgow was no mean Cinema-City .
5 They must have constantly wondered whether they would ever return to the world outside the moat that separated them from it , a moat that also served as a sewer .
6 She was full of a formless curiosity about the distance , but had no mental vision of the world outside the valley .
7 What might it mean in practice to speak of a gene as having an extended phenotypic effect on the world outside the body in which it sits ?
8 There was one practical advantage which our miniature world had over the world outside the wire .
9 This is regrettable , since discipline is , or should be , a positive process of training and parental leadership which helps children and teenagers come to terms with the world outside the family .
10 They leave their mundane business and material world outside the garden , and perform the rites of the perception of beauty .
11 Looking young is important to many women today in order to hold their own with confidence in the world outside the home , whether they are married or single .
12 But she will probably already be experiencing more loneliness than they imagine , for much as she may enjoy her parent 's company , she will also have a need for other friendships and contacts with the world outside the home , and these may be very difficult for her to achieve .
13 In this day and age , a few walkers find pleasing footpaths leading through this quiet old village , which was once very much a self-supporting community when access to the world outside the dale was difficult , especially in a hard winter when few travellers braved the snow-blocked lanes between the hills .
14 ‘ Conflict ’ and ‘ fight ’ are strong words to describe what is a generalised feeling of aggression towards competitors in the business world outside the enterprise .
15 Gazing straight ahead , only half-aware of a world outside the claustrophobic comfort of the car , of Massingham 's hands stroking the wheel , the almost soundless changing of the gears , the pattern of traffic lights , he deliberately let his mind slip free of the present and of all the conjecture about what lay ahead , and remembered , by an exercise of mental recall , as if something important depended on his getting it right , every moment of that last meeting with the dead man .
16 The master 's journal continued to reflect the state of the world outside the workhouse gates .
17 Be warned : time is a great leveller and it takes a few seasons in the hard world outside the show marquee for a new rose to find its true level .
18 You have to think of a nurse tending a sick person in a bed , though there is no real world outside the hospital ward .
19 The government 's main response to the world outside the British Isles was to build a strong navy .
20 It is reasonable to suppose that children enter a communication task as active interactants ready to ask questions and generally negotiate meaning because that is what they do all the time in the world outside the laboratory .
21 As " Uncle " Bruce goes into his 50s , he continues to accept and involve himself eagerly , whenever possible , in the world outside the studio .
22 But their mother is free of their weight and bulk and she can run into the world outside the burrow to gather food and so continue producing the milk that they need .
23 Moreover , as will emerge in later chapters , segregation became the order of the day , not only in relation to the world outside the house , but in the arrangement of its internal plan .
24 No world outside the bowl .
25 Creggan looked at her and then , mantling his wings , glared angrily at the world outside the Cages , a glare that took in the Zoo , the Men , the trees , the wind and even the sky , and said loudly , ‘ I can face anything , anything ! ’
26 Terry 's family , unlike he himself , had n't had a great deal of experience of the world outside the States , so Peg had had an awful lot to learn .
27 Harry Fischer comes out of his room in his shirtsleeves , hoisting his braces up with one hand , and holding in the other some letter or Ministry circular which has arrived in the morning post , and which he reads mockingly aloud to evoke their common derision at the obtuseness and bureaucracy of the world outside the office .
28 If the world outside the window appeared to be her own dear and familiar one , then she would risk opening the door and going out .
29 In recovery , however , they find unconditional acceptance in the concept of a Higher Power , and in the relationship with others in the Anonymous Fellowships and come to accept that real life in the world outside the Anonymous Fellowships inevitably imposes conditions .
30 The elite educational background of the British judiciary is often cited as a major factor in their apparent ignorance of affairs in the world outside the courtroom .
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