Example sentences of "might be interested " in BNC.

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1 FURTHER to your article TECs slammed over funding red tape ( Caterer , 22–28 August ) , I thought you might be interested to hear the other side of the coin .
2 I thought you might be interested in seeing my adorable mutt , Bubbles , pictured ( below ) with her superior companion our Yorkshire Terrier , Boswell .
3 If there is anyone in your parish whom you think might be interested and suitable , perhaps you would draw their attention to these posts and encourage them to write to me for application forms and job description .
4 They are , in fact , just the kind of thing the natural philosopher might be interested in .
5 With some branches this is by word of mouth , with others personal letters by the secretary to members and those who might be interested .
6 You might be interested to know that there was considerable narrowing of the arteries , which could have produced spells of dizziness . ’
7 If you think you might be interested please turn to page 5 for the ‘ job descriptions ’ and decide whether you would enjoy either of the jobs .
8 Please try to support this event ; tell anyone you think might be interested and bring a friend ( or 2 ? )
9 Please try to support this event ; tell anyone you think might be interested and bring a friend ( or 2 ? )
10 Those with a blank space on a wall to fill might be interested in the Penis Poster ( 23 by 35 inches ) , which depicts 12 animal penises ( man to whale ) .
11 Unfortunately this means that we are not able to send you a copy , but suggest that your university might be interested in investing in a copy once the 4th edition becomes available next year .
12 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
13 You do not need to send your releases to everyone who might be interested if this is likely to delay getting them into the post ; that can always be done the next morning .
14 We are now opening the group to new members , so if you think you might be interested come to Wesley House , 4 Wild Court , London WC2 on Feb 16 at 2 pm .
15 I had foolishly allowed myself to imagine that you might be interested in me as a person , even to the extent of being a little jealous of Lieutenant Lapointe .
16 ‘ But the marshal thought you might be interested to hear the latest news of your lady friend , the self-styled Louise Müller . ’
17 He stated that it was his intention to start a Salisbury delivery but great-grandmother said that whilst she would n't change , her daughter who was about to marry might be interested .
18 In most cases the reasonable answer will be along the lines that those people who give information for the survey will be contributing to an overall study , the results of which will be useful for a better understanding by everyone of the general problem and will also particularly help specialists who might be interested in ( in this case ) the housewife 's day .
19 Emile Littler was a much younger producer of rival pantomimes ; feeling more than a little disloyal , Mr Smith wrote to him in desperation suggesting that he might be interested in his dancers .
20 ‘ The main reason that I am contacting you is that I thought you might be interested to know that John ( stage name Joan Rawson ) was awarded the Eric Rowley Trophy for the artist who has done the most for charity over the last 12 months .
21 Isobel helped her friend to settle in Paris and find work ; one day Maria asked her if de Chavigny might be interested in buying her jewellery .
22 Readers whose memories were pleasurably tickled by our ‘ Oldies ’ article on Dave Hill 's Superyob guitar might be interested to know that John Birch is back in the guitar business after a ten-year absence .
23 I thought your readers might be interested in the current JAA Proposed Medical Standards .
24 I thought you might be interested . ’
25 Any accountants with deep-rooted sea-dog tendencies might be interested to hear about the Accountants ' Sailing Challenge , to be held in Poole Harbour on 28 May .
26 Even though hundreds of accountants might be interested in corporate finance , the few opportunities coming onto the market are heavily fought for .
27 ‘ 3i looked at the business and said they might be interested in buying an equity stake , ’ says finance director Penny Smith .
28 I have shared this with a number of you personally , but I thought more of you might be interested .
29 Anyone fancying a repeat of Hazy Days on the Far East Buttress might be interested to know that current opinion gives it a serious E5 6b grading .
30 ‘ I 'm not meaning to talk shop but I thought you might be interested . ’
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