Example sentences of "might stay [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know so much , ’ Fabia replied , and went on to tell her sister about her car problems and how , because she might not be able to get home by Wednesday , she 'd told their mother that because Mariánské Láznë was so beautiful she might stay on longer — and that their mother had assumed Cara might fly to America from Czechoslovakia .
2 Auntie Lou knew we might stay to tea but it 's getting late now and she 'll start to worry . ’
3 I told them I might stay with Kit and Teresa … ’
4 Was that the first hint , no more than a joke really , that they might stay at Wyvis Hall , that they might live there ?
5 THE BEST sit-com ever made actually began a year earlier , written by estranged Hancock creators Ray Galton and Alan Simpson , but in '64 an episode was actually postponed on Election Day at the request of opposition leader Harold Wilson , who feared Labour voters might stay at home ( See ?
6 But this time , Antonia 's mother had rung to ask whether Antonia might stay at the Jardines ' .
7 Ruth planned to find somewhere in Dudley where she and her grandfather might stay for the night .
8 When the Ottoman empire declared war on a foreign state its unfortunate representative in Constantinople was very often immediately thrown into the Seven Towers prison there , where he might stay for a considerable time .
9 These advantages appear to me to outweigh the disadvantages identified by Mr of there being more outsiders in the family household , possibly homesick and unhappy carers who are not living in their own homes , but at the establishment and the trouble and worry to the of what would be not infrequent , recruitment of new carers for Mrs , I hope perhaps a trifle pessimistically thought that on average carers would not spend more than about a year of course , some longer , some shorter , because such carers necessarily had to be fairly young , fit , strong people and the stresses and strains of the er the whole business she thought would lead to reasonably rapid turnover , not the emergence of long-term carers who might stay for a number of years , er , as I say I 'd rather hoped that she may be unduly pessimistic about that , but , that , I accept what she says about it .
10 She might stay for a a weekend or something , but I mean erm
11 When she disingenuously called her mother and asked if she might stay in England to take a degree , her parents congratulated themselves on having saved their daughter .
12 ‘ If there was somewhere you might stay in the meanwhile , I may shortly be in a position to help you . ’
13 Perhaps she might stay in Southwark and agree to go for a walk , or at least sit and share a goblet of wine with him and gossip about the past .
14 I thought she might stay until next week .
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