Example sentences of "long [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 The only difference is that , the fewer roses you have space for , the more certain you have to be that the varieties you grow give the greatest possible pleasure , for the longest possible period and with the most resistance against pest and disease .
2 In 1975/6 , the wettest September for 58 years followed England 's longest overall period of drought .
3 You may be presented with a service agreement which covers many pages and which , you are told , offers the attractive guarantee of a long working period .
4 During the long dry periods between floods debris accumulates in the valleys as a result of weathering and also is probably swept in by wind action , so that the streamfloods have an enormous amount of readily available load .
5 Such accidentally created fires are usually most devastating after a long dry period when the organic content of the litter and soil is experiencing moisture deficiency and the presence of dry kindling provides a good fuel supply .
6 Over the long historical period since the Industrial Revolution , the focus of industrial development has shifted a number of times .
7 But it is clear that , for objective structural reasons , it was , during a certain long historical period , easier for the bourgeoisie to make meaningful use of the second , and the working classes the first , than vice versa .
8 We regard it as an inhuman act , they say , to keep a man facing the agony of execution over a long extended period .
9 Standish examines the first two difficulties ; the third is not surprising given Neptune 's long orbital period , 165 years ( so that not even one orbit has been completed since it was discovered ) .
10 After a site has been filled in again only artefacts , notebooks and the photographic record remain to aid the archaeologist in the long post-excavation period when he or she has to decide what it all meant , and publish details of what was found .
11 Land cultivation in the Auvergne uplands is extremely limited because of the long cold period in winter when sward re-establishment would be difficult , a dry summer climate , and because of thin soils which are anyway generally quite fertile .
12 Nevertheless , it is an early maturing variety well suited to the long ripening period of a northern wine region .
13 ‘ DURING the long cold-war period , ’ Warren Christopher , America 's secretary of state , said on May 20th , ‘ policies toward Africa were often determined not by how they affected Africa , but by what advantage they brought to Washington or Moscow . ’
14 The inhabitants , having colonised naturally , would be well-adapted to the local conditions ; no two commons would be alike ; and garden escapes , which are often very colourful and have a long flowering period , would be welcome .
15 The stratigraphic record indicates , however , that eustatic changes have also occurred during the long equable periods when the available evidence suggests that polar ice was absent .
16 At 1,000 metres , and with heavy fertilisation , yields of 10,000 kg dry matter /ha have been obtained and while adequate summer rainfall may favour grass growth , production is more generally likely to be at the level suggested in Table 2 , and a long wintering period is a major constraint .
17 There are sudden , dramatic leaps in small children 's learning , interspersed with long fallow periods when nothing seems to happen .
18 North ( 1986 ) , for example , has suggested that widespread cash-cropping of groundnuts in the Sahelian zone has obliquely contributed to desertification because farmers can not afford either to purchase fertilisers to maintain soil-nutrient status or to use a long fallow period .
19 The discovery of an effect with such a long latent period was no mean feat of epidemiology .
20 Typically there is a long latent period between radiation exposure and detection of a tumour , which is because of the time required for sufficient increase in the size of the tumour to make it detectable , and may also be due in part to a form of induction period before the initially affected cell or cells start to divide and form a tumour , or before the tumour assumes ‘ malignant ’ characteristics of growth and spreading .
21 Its surface bears some evidence for an early period of crater erasure , and for a long subsequent period of slight internal contraction , presumably the result of cooling .
22 It would be better if , as in private law , there were a longer fixed period which could be extended only in exceptional cases on stated and reasonably precise grounds .
23 This viticultural twilight zone stretches the duration of the vine 's growth cycle to the limit , resulting in a longer ripening period , providing grapes with a high degree of acidity .
24 Customers signing new life policies will have a longer cooling-off period of 14 days ( instead of 10 ) in which to cancel .
25 Thus where during the trader 's unsolicited visit an offer is made which is accepted only later , the customer effectively has a longer cooling-off period .
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