Example sentences of "' annual [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Mawdsley then asked administration manager Dave McCreary if she could take two weeks ' annual leave and a week 's unpaid leave to go on holiday .
2 We offer a good starting salary and a range of benefits , including subsidised staff restaurant and 25 days ' annual leave ( after qualifying period ) .
3 And the gap will become wider if no extra staff are employed to cover junior doctors ' annual leave .
4 Businessmen meeting at the Institute of Directors ' annual convention this week said they wanted a sustained , long-lasting recovery , rather than a repeat of boom-bust .
5 WHEN the Royal Bank 's general arts sponsorship programme took the premier award at the Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts ' annual prizegiving .
6 IBM Corp reveals in the proxy statement for the annual meeting that total pay and benefits for chairman and chief executive John Akers fell 17% in 1992 to $1.3m — Akers ' variable incentive payout , which is based on operating results , was $375,000 , a decline of 42% on 1991 , reflecting both IBM 's performance against targets and relative performance from year to year ; IBM said for the past two years , Akers ' annual pay declined over $1.3m , a fall of 50% ; it proposes to elect John Akers to the board after quits the top job .
7 The Liverpool Motorists ' Annual Outing for Handicapped Children took youngsters from 10 Liverpool special schools on a day trip to Southport .
8 The Sh.800,000/ — voted by the Ministry of Commerce and Cooperatives in the 1967–68 estimates was then able to meet less than half the two papers ' annual operating deficit .
9 The exceptions are : a mid fifteenth-century embroidered pall from St Peter 's , Sudbury , Suffolk ( now in Ipswich Museum ) ; two magnificent hearse cloths of 1509 , one in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford and the other in Great St Mary 's at Cambridge , provided for the varsities ' annual commemoration service for Henry VII ; a pall of 1516 belonging to the Guild of St John at Dunstable Priory ( Col. 1 ) ; and six palls of the period c.1490–1525 belonging to various livery companies in the City of London .
10 A genuinely corinthian sailor who spurns sponsorship , she shoe-horns her racing and preparation into a few weeks ' annual holiday taken from London-based solicitors Farrers and Co .
11 Our links with the Women 's League of Health and Beauty were further strengthened on 21 April when Jean Parmiter was invited to teach at the East Midlands Associated Members ' Annual Reunion , held in Groby , Leicestershire .
12 His opposite number in Oldham , the mayor of the metropolitan borough council , had the best value this week , however , after the authority topped up Celtics ' annual budget of £35,000 to finance short-term contracts for two extra players , Dip Donaldson and George Branch .
13 Naas Botha , of all people , turned up at Rodney Parade last night to see the Barbarians ' annual autumn get-together .
14 Unix System Labs ' annual report arrived on our desk last week , and makes for some very interesting summer reading .
15 It is not clear why this happened , but it does illustrate the inherent instability in individual practices ' annual referral rates and the consequent difficulties involved in estimating budgets on the basis of past referral patterns .
16 OPEC succeeded in imposing and maintaining a major increase : oil prices quadrupled during the winter of 1973–4 , raising the oil producers ' annual revenue by around $64 billion .
17 One summer I was invited to chair a Brains Trust at the Scottish Lawyers ' annual conference at Aviemore .
18 The Lib-Dems ' annual conference demanded equal access to abortion throughout the country .
19 The International Association of Hewlett-Packard Computer Users ' annual conference takes place in New Orleans , Louisiana , between August 23–27 .
20 The Duchess of Gloucester , Colonel-in-Chief , Royal Army Educational Corps , attends the Officers ' Annual Dinner at Eltham Palace , London SE9 .
21 6 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Colonel-in-Chief , The Royal Army Educational Corps , this evening attended the Officers ' Annual Dinner at Eltham Palace , London SE9 .
22 She returned his kiss , but declined firmly to join him at the Allied Steelmakers ' annual dinner ( carriages eleven-thirty ) , saying she would actually rather go to the cinema with a girlfriend , and tripped out of the office looking considerably less harassed than when she had arrived .
23 1931 saw the first Old Stopfordians ' Annual Dinner actually to be held in School ( the Association had been renamed , reviving one of the old forms of the name of the town , in 1927 ) .
24 Some of the attendance at the Galway Pensioners ' Annual Dinner .
25 Joshua Morris had not invited him to break bread in Clungunford , Clunbury , Clunton or Clun , but Ralph Grunte had booked him for his Warwickshire Tories ' annual dinner and dance .
26 In 1988 the Consumers ' Association found that only 25 per cent of parents had attended a parent-teacher association meeting in the past twelve months and only 9 per cent had attended a school governors ' annual meeting .
27 A new system of classification for Britains ' designated " clean " bathing beaches was recommended in a motion at the Institution of Environmental Health Officers ' annual congress , held in September .
28 A WILDLIFE painting by Jenny Alderton can be seen at The Society of Women Artists ' annual exhibition at Westminster Central Hall , London .
29 The Royal Society of Portrait Painters ' annual exhibition is at the Mall Galleries , The Mall , SW1 , 11–21 May
30 Wildlife artist Gary Hodges , from London , is this year 's winner of WWF 's Fine Art Award , presented at the Society of Wildlife Artists ' annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries , London .
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