Example sentences of "never [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 There is never a moment 's dullness in The Allegory of Love .
2 For British golf fanatics , there has perhaps never been a more nerve-wracking day than when , with only four points to get in the final singles , there was never a moment when it appeared likely that we could get them .
3 There is never a moment when Dustin gets as worried as Gary Cooper in High Noon , although , like Cooper , he has to cope singlehandedly with a number of killers , and is only saved at the final moment when his wife blasts the last opponent with a shotgun .
4 The complaint that there is never a moment 's peace is countered by some nurses who say that such a system allows for a ‘ snooze hour ’ after lunch when no routine tasks were undertaken and the ward was as quiet as possible .
5 The Kyalami Ranch was very much the sort of place where James liked relaxing : you might have to wait two hours for your dinner , but never a moment for the sun , and James is a basker , the deckchair his habitat .
6 On this disc there is never a moment 's doubt as to their warmth of sound and delicacy of nuance .
7 ROS : ( Peevish ) Never a moment 's peace !
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