Example sentences of "group [prep] students " in BNC.

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1 The tutorial groups for students taking one of three courses are arbitrarily labelled A , B , … ,
2 In a school , teachers may share different norms to students , and different groups of students ( and teachers ) may share different norms .
3 These questions could be looked at within small groups of students .
4 Dissection classes with small groups of students are excellent since even the squeamish can take part as onlookers , whilst a fellow student performs the dissection .
5 They are used for teaching large groups of students and they make use of both auditory and visual sensory inputs ( via the blackboard or overhead projector ) .
6 Seminars , tutorials , and demonstrations are given to smaller groups of students than the average lecture .
7 Divisions among different groups of students were clear ; they were not a homogeneous group but differentiated along the lines of study area , social origins , gender and so on .
8 Although it was usually specific issues which drove groups of students to write dazibao and hold demonstrations , as in the mid-1980s , the more general themes of democracy , free speech and human rights were also present .
9 Groups of students complained about their Chinese teachers failing to conduct lessons properly because of their preoccupation with TOEFL .
10 The whole affair , however , failed to gain the status of a diplomatic issue and started to calm down after the New Year holiday , leaving bad feeling between different groups of students .
11 Pages headed Handout are intended primarily for use when the course is being completed by groups of students under the guidance of an instructor or course leader .
12 It allows flexibility with large , mixed-ability groups of students and enables students to use it on their own .
13 The third section , ‘ Schemes of Work ’ , shows how computers can be used to meet the needs of different groups of students .
14 Within adult education there are three main groups of students :
15 The progress of groups of students in the higher ( but not the highest ) parts of the class achievement range is often monitored particularly closely by the transmission teacher and used to ‘ steer ’ his or her judgements about the management and development of the lesson for the class as a whole .
16 He enjoyed walking and at weekends would frequently take groups of students out into Derbyshire .
17 This assumes that a test is trying to measure a single dimension of student ability — a trait — and that the difficulty of a test item is independent of both the other items in the test and the groups of students who answer it .
18 For certain groups of students there clearly was a correlation between radicalism and frustration over employment prospects .
19 If you are familiar with the term " jigsaw listening " you will know that this involves groups of students listening to different versions of a story on audio .
20 They teach small groups of students very short lessons concentrating on one particular set of skills .
21 The course is under constant review and is planned flexibly to enable tutors to respond to the needs of particular groups of students , but the following three paragraphs itemise some of the particular emphases given to language during the three years .
22 The Course does not allow special questions to be set in an examination which are compulsory for some groups of students and not others .
23 The difference between the two groups of students were not large , however , and both groups contained relatively small numbers , of course .
24 Formalist theory emerged from the meetings , discussions and publications of two small groups of students — the Opojaz group based in Petersburg and the Moscow Linguistic Circle .
25 The new modules have been developed for two groups of students : those returning to S5 for a limited period of time , and those who intend to complete a full year 's programme of study in S5 or S6 .
26 Although a major part of the work is concerned with the marking of tuition tests , tutors may also be invited to conduct Tutorial Classes , at which small groups of students meet a tutor at regular intervals , for Subjects 7–10 of the Institute examinations .
27 I should emphasise that vulnerable groups of students , such as the disabled and lone parents , remain eligible for benefits .
28 Both groups of students will be tracked over a 2 year period .
29 This was thrown into sharp relief by a crisis which blew up in February 1956 , as a result of a clash between rival groups of students in a central Madrid street .
30 As a result these bodies are not yet in a position to influence the preparation of individual groups of students for higher education .
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