Example sentences of "must find [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Must find Bryce , ’ he muttered agitatedly .
2 I must find Maggie .
3 ‘ I must find Nicky , ’ said Florian , and drifted away .
4 ‘ We must find Sheldukher , ’ said Rosheen .
5 It had gone now , its place taken by a summer suit Claudia loved at first sight , but she was n't here to buy clothes — she must find Dana .
6 But they must find Shetland pretty inhospitable , with no trees to support the grubs which is their normal diet .
7 He drew in deep , deep breaths of air ; then , almost quietly now , he told himself he must find Martin .
8 He must find Martin — he would be down near the chicken run — he must speak to someone , touch someone 's hand , hear someone 's voice .
9 I must find Grace , she thought .
10 ‘ We must find Clare and tell her straight away . ’
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