Example sentences of "must be present " in BNC.

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1 Two other persons must be present as witnesses .
2 The second misunderstanding concerns the ideas which must be present in an animal 's mind if kin selection is to operate .
3 According to law , a doctor must be present at the ringside .
4 This result encourages the conclusion that appropriate contextual cues must be present for satisfactory retrieval of the effects of the effects of initial conditioning ; but it also poses a number of further questions .
5 Undercoat must be present on neck and thighs , but is not to show through outer coat .
6 If a sequence of six enzymes is needed for a particular synthetic pathway , all six genes for making them must be present .
7 For growing crop plants the following conditions must be present :
8 For collagen to promote platelet aggregation it must possess its triple helical structure and must be present as fibrillar collagen ( Zucker & Borelli , 1962 ) .
9 How many MPs must be present for a quorum in the House of Commons ?
10 This point shows that guilty knowledge must be present .
11 These agents must be present for prolonged periods , consistent with the observation that growth factors are required throughout G1 .
12 In some ways , dynamic recognition is more restrictive since both the writer and a suitable input device must be present at the same time , and the technique is evidently only applicable to handwritten text .
13 Cole continues : Socialism is seen here as an alternative and exclusive economic system , among the identifying characteristics of which two must be present : consumers ' control and the elimination of private profit .
14 A certain number of members must be present before a meeting is said to be quorate and can proceed .
15 Gradually over the years the term has come to mean the minimum number of members who must be present if the meeting is to transact business .
16 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
17 Likert emphasises that all four features must be present for a manager to be truly effective .
18 He had also been struck by a streak of ruthlessness in the boy which , he thought , ought not to have surprised him since he knew that , as with all good detectives , it must be present .
19 It is unclear whether the section gives the chief officer of police the power to limit the numbers present at the assembly below the 20 who must be present to constitute the assembly .
20 The time at which these two factors must be present is when the statement is made .
21 All unused terms must be included in the entry vocabulary of an index ; that is , they must be present as access points in some form if it is considered at all likely that a user might seek information under the unused term .
22 This listing must be present in any thesaurus and normally features , in a single all alphabetical sequence ,
23 When the pears are in flower , bees and the other pollinating insects must be present in abundance and busy — this means calm , sunny warmth .
24 Creativity can be seen to be complementary , rather than opposed , to conventional engineering , which must be present at an adequate level to permit a high quality solution .
25 The offline process is carried out as a ‘ run ’ at a specified time and of specified duration , during which period the offline operator must be present to fulfil the demands for mounting and dismounting the offline media .
26 Action : All the files mentioned in FOREIGN-SET-IS must be present in the user 's directory before the module can be entered into LIFESPAN .
27 Something else must be present such as a technical effect .
28 To be able to sue in negligence , three essential ingredients must be present ; they are : a duty of care owed to the injured party ; a breach of that duty of care ; consequential loss , that is , loss which is a direct and natural result of the breach of duty of care .
29 There are limitations , however , to the scope of the law of negligence and , as mentioned above , certain ingredients must be present .
30 It is , however , well settled that four unities must be present for the creation of a joint tenancy , namely the unities of possession , interest , title and time …
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