Example sentences of "put themselves at " in BNC.

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1 By inhaling poisonous vapours , young people put themselves at risk of :
2 This is not the same form of heroism as those who put themselves at risk for others .
3 as if lax regulations are not enough consumers put themselves at risk by careless use of refrigerators and microwaves .
4 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
5 For every Western aid worker , there are at least five Somali aid workers who , like Hawa the nurse , put themselves at greater risk , work longer hours for little or no money , and provide a body of local people who may be able to continue their work in health care or administration after the fighting is over .
6 With regard to Bancroft 's second point , our research was designed not only to quantify sexual practices but also to understand why people put themselves at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases , especially AIDS .
7 Locks weirs and boats need to be treated with respect according to the National Rivers Authority , but there are still some people who put themselves at risk by behaving foolishly .
8 The source of this subversive suggestion is the view , already mentioned in the Introduction , that social theorists who adhere too closely to a single set of explanatory canons are liable to put themselves at a disadvantage .
9 For those just coming out onto the scene , it 's an established fact that many can come to terms with , but for those who have set patterns of sexual behaviour or who 've put themselves at risk in the past , it 's a great problem .
10 Women who feel they may have put themselves at risk , but are unsure of their HIV status , may also wish to take such advice .
11 Are the parent birds really putting themselves at risk for their offspring , laying down their own lives so that their young may live ?
12 Bisexual women ( who have sex with both women and men ) may be putting themselves at risk if they have unsafe sex with male partners .
13 Given the dependence of the industry on charcoal , it was difficult if not impossible for ironmasters to avoid putting themselves at risk , certainly in England , perhaps less so in Ireland .
14 With strong evidence to show that children under the age of two are at considerable risk from passive smoking , smokers are putting themselves at a disadvantage because agencies can select from equally suitable candidates who do not smoke . ’
15 Many Yugoslav army officers had asked how they could put themselves at the disposal of the government , he said .
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