Example sentences of "one [adv] knew " in BNC.

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1 No one ever knew what was to happen next , as Lily said .
2 Anna , worn through to her nerve ends , said she thought one would probably drop dead before one ever knew .
3 No one ever knew where it was she hoped to go .
4 We went to the theatre and to dinner and I believe I must have talked and , as I have said , I know I sometimes laughed and I think no one ever knew that I was empty of everything except perhaps madness .
5 We went back to the villa hand in hand and no one ever knew we had been out , or if they did they did n't say .
6 Those meetings were enclosed within a Fifth Force Field , so that no one ever knew what passed between the Emperor and his Adviser of the Computers .
7 Twenty five years that man has worn a hairpiece and no one ever knew .
8 No one ever knew who had fed this line to Kim .
9 No one ever knew — in a very serious bit of comedy indeed .
10 But those Somerville years remain with us , and the friends , and the ageless dons , some livelier , more liberal , than one ever knew ; and it 's good to go back and recall old times , good and bad .
11 With France one always knew .
12 Yet one always knew which one was Kenneth Williams .
13 At the line no one really knew which had prevailed .
14 As economic theory had not really moved beyond the ‘ invisible hand ’ idea of Adam Smith , not surprisingly no one really knew what was wrong with the machine .
15 No one really knew how the new technique should be handled .
16 Sometimes I wonder if one really knew they were so desolate at the time . ’
17 But no one really knew how far one country was from another So , when they began to explore further and sail across the ocean , they had to find some other means of navigating or finding their way .
18 Though both Rosen and Burgess and D'Costa had identified this language variety of black adolescents with Jamaican specifically , in the absence of a description , no one really knew whether it had the features of Jamaican Creole or not .
19 Besides , until the fire , no one really knew how bad things had got … ’
20 ‘ Then how do you explain the fact that the kidnappers phoned urgently , demanding to see Ubaldo in person , at a time when you were still in Rome and no one supposedly knew you were coming except the authorities ? ’
21 In fact no one then knew what had caused the Communist aggression in Korea .
22 And recollect , too , that no one had seen him , no one then knew he had ever left the enclave .
23 ‘ Of course , although no one quite knew what happened that morning — you were the only one who knew that … that is , until the results of the blood tests were made available . ’
24 Some were sudden and burst out in a blaze , some were gradual and soundless and floated about in bits like tinsel blown and scattered , extinguishing one neither knew nor cared where .
25 There was no one she could discuss it with , for Hoomey was too scared , and no one else knew .
26 When she passed him the number of her room ( thinking no one else knew she had ) and left to await him , he remained in the ballroom drinking , and when I left at midnight he was still there looking bored and lonely , missing his live-in girlfriend Marie Lisa Volpelierre ( who not long after died so tragically in a riding accident ) .
27 No one else knew anything about him , not until this morning . ’
28 No one else knew of these records , they were just another among the many secrets the two shared .
29 Refusing to teach or to perform , he started to compose , which much pleased his daily , though no one else knew of it .
30 No one else knew where she was .
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