Example sentences of "may have felt " in BNC.

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1 Freud , in Civilization and its Discontents , advanced the profoundly historicist suggestion that we should be cautious about interpreting the miseries of earlier times , since what now looks like unacceptable suffering may have felt less so in a different culture .
2 However confident the mass of the population may have felt in the durability of Britain 's world role , those who ruled in Britain knew full well the kind of dangers the country faced and the need to take steps to meet them …
3 They may have felt a degree of excitement as they turned their cameras on a train arriving at a station , waves crashing on the beach , or a group of workers emerging from their daily grind in the factory , but these early pieces of reportage were seen as nothing more than ‘ animated photographs ’ , a further step in the development of photography .
4 For the best part of an hour Brazil produced a dainty dish to set before the Queen of the Netherlands , who may have felt that she had something better to do than sit out a sparring match in driving rain .
5 I behaved with great dignity and showed none of the resentment I may have felt .
6 Many may have felt betrayed , but there is little to suggest that MacDonald was any the less of a socialist than others , nor is there hard evidence to suggest that he schemed to bring about the collapse of the Labour government .
7 While Leapor may have felt embarrassed and withdrawn following her return from Edgcote , she was well known , even admired , for her writing in the area of her home .
8 Mindful of the quarrels over precedence among the Bonaparte family which had marred his uncle 's coronation , Napoleon III may have felt it unwise to provide them with a similar occasion for bad manners .
9 Certainly those women may have felt more ‘ battered ’ by their experience and therefore felt in need of support , which is unavailable in a normal hospital setting .
10 It may be that those responsible for the well-known picture of the so-called ‘ Dancing Sorcerer ’ ( on the wall of one of the innermost recesses of the Trois Frères cave in the department of Arriège in France ) , which represents a man in the skin of an animal and wearing the antlers of a stag , may have felt that the actual performance of the dance was insufficient , since they were concerned about the conservation of the magical efficacy of the dance after it had ended .
11 It was subsequently used — symbolically , some of its former pupils may have felt , as a police station with prison cells .
12 The presence of Asian women advice workers has attracted a good response from the Asian community and the informality is attracting more family and personal enquiries of the sort that people may have felt uncomfortable about bringing previously .
13 Mrs Coleridge may have felt that the Blue Coat School would best prepare her son for the clerical career John Coleridge had wished him to follow .
14 Many people had struggled to adhere to a strict moral code for years ( while others had worked hard at least to keep up appearances ) : some may have felt that their efforts were no longer appreciated .
15 The Court said that Savory Milln may have felt some anxiety and even suspicion as to how Mr Ferriday had arranged for the £13.5m to be paid on his behalf , but it was going too far to say that any honest and reasonable man would have inferred that Mr Ferriday had misappropriated Eagle 's money in gross breach of his duty as a director or that any honest and reasonable man would not have applied the money , as Savory Milln did , in discharge of sub-underwriting liabilities until he had been satisfied that the monies were properly paid .
16 Reading that line , and adding to it his memories of Finn and Fróda , of Beowulf and Hróthgár and the other pagan heroes from the darkness before the English dawn , Tolkien may have felt that Milton was more accurate than he knew .
17 She may have felt aggrieved , but she also missed the point .
18 For while many Catalans may have felt that the Statute , especially in the financial sphere , went nowhere near far enough , the political right and much of the officer corps were incensed at what they considered the dismembering of the Spanish ‘ Fatherland ’ .
19 In Chapter 1 it was suggested that Beccaria may have felt inhibited in including economic and social conditions in his programme because of their dangerous political implications .
20 And Anglican laymen in America may have felt that a bishop from across the ocean would be harder to influence than the local clergy , many of whom were American by origin , though in several cases they had gone to Britain to complete their education .
21 He may have felt nervous about having plundered Calcutta or he may have thought he had done enough to show who was master in Bengal , but in any case he withdrew and paid the Company some compensation for its losses .
22 He had depended on the Britons for support , and may have felt obliged to provide defences : so I argued .
23 However nervous she may have felt inside , her warm smile and unaffected manner were a photographer 's delight .
24 Charles 's reaction finally closed the door on any love Diana may have felt for him .
25 Adults were initially more reluctant to discuss their feelings , but may have felt inhibited by the presence of healthcare professionals ; many parents were observed swapping addresses at the end of the meeting .
26 Only the abbot and I knew , though he may have felt that he must tell Prior Robert . ’
27 Such pity as she well may have felt for Ramsey in its distress , he has traduced and despoiled , and here we have no rights .
28 Whatever people like Page may have felt or thought they felt about the Vietnam war , it is difficult not to regard them as much its victims as its predators .
29 Whatever we may have felt , however , we had to be careful not to show too much dislike , because the Repubblichini were gaining strength all the time .
30 She may have felt safe here , been surprised to have been attacked .
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