Example sentences of "may be available " in BNC.

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1 Your house should also be in reasonable repair to obtain a grant , but if it is n't , help may be available through Renovation Grants — seek advice from your local council .
2 These may be available through local outlets .
3 There may be charges for some or all of these services , depending on your income , but it is certainly worth asking about what may be available .
4 To contact the social services about what may be available .
5 Some aids may be available on loan from the Red Cross , Age Concern groups , the WRVS or other organisations .
6 The kinds of people who may help or services which may be available include :
7 Specialist nursing or care at home for people with a terminal illness may be available through Macmillan nurses , provided by Cancer Relief , and Marie Curie Foundation nurses , or from a local hospice .
8 This may be available in your local library .
9 In practice , this means that mortgage loans may be available for small-scale workshops , derelict but sound houses which would otherwise be abandoned , houses with energy-saving features and organic smallholdings .
10 Help with payment may be available from social services .
11 It can also be downloaded from Power Tower , Jim Bates 's bulletin board , and may be available from other magazines such as PC Magazine .
12 This is very different from the Common Law procedure , which will never compel , or even allow ( at that time ) , one of the parties to an action to give evidence ; but it is a procedure , and the only procedure , which is suitable for trying such questions as uses and trusts , for which no open public acts , no formal documents may be available as evidence .
13 These conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries and copies of the conditions which apply to your holiday journey may be available for inspection either at our offices or at the office of the carrier concerned .
14 A new vehicle may be available built to special order to this specification but is not listed as a standard vehicle in this country .
15 if the [ LEA ] does not itself decide the special educational provision that should be made for the child , but leaves that to be decided by the school , with remedial classes and other facilities as may be available in the school , the [ LEA ] is not itself determining the special educational provision for the child within the meaning in section 7(1) ; consequently , the [ LEA ] is not obliged to make and maintain a statement … .
16 In many specialist centres two plinths may be available in the treatment room for treating a single patient .
17 To this list we can also add some particular tasks that should not be handed over to subordinates or indeed other specialists who may be available to you :
18 However , should it be necessary to cash the policy in early , a surrender value may be available .
19 However , should it be necessary to cash the policy in early , a surrender value may be available .
20 However , in such cases it is worth remembering that the product may be available more cheaply elsewhere and may thus reduce the credit needed !
21 Prince 's Youth Business Trust awards grants up to £1,500 although more may be available if more than one person is involved .
22 Defences which may be available include : an Act of God ; the plaintiff 's consent ; or where the odour nuisance is a result of the act of a trespasser and the owner or occupier is ignorant of the nuisance , not having the means of knowing of the nuisance in time to prevent or abate its effect .
23 This existing history of ‘ miraculous ’ cures is just a hint of what may be available to the human mind struggling to find a way to greater self-help in coping with ill health and adversity , if only the vitally necessary ‘ faith ’ were more easily grasped and held on to .
24 The Department of Health and Social Security are concerned that all elderly people who are in need should receive the appropriate help to which they are entitled , and the visiting officers are always pleased to explain what other benefits a successful claimant may have automatically , but even if a supplementary pension or allowance is not granted , if their income is below a certain level some of the extra benefits such as free dentures , spectacles , hospital fares , and rate rebates ( this last is not usually granted to those on supplementary pensions ) may be available to them .
25 It can give moral support and advice on numerous problems connected with your and your parent 's rights to various types of State benefits and services , the support that may be available to you from voluntary bodies , and help in planning ahead for accommodation if this proves necessary when your parent dies .
26 Camping at Teplice ; the Adrspach area 's a couple of kms walk , although a local train may be available .
27 Alternatively , finance for the sale may be available from a third party such as a bank , finance house , hire purchase or leasing company .
29 They may be available from gas showrooms , or contact : , , .
30 An explanatory booklet from the RCN entitled Understanding Clinical Grading may be available from your nursing office or the nursing library .
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