Example sentences of "should simply [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , you should simply level out and land ahead .
2 If Reynolds finds the atmosphere of these gigs so offensive , he should simply stay away from them , rather than inflict his Points Of View mentality on the thousands of people who may not pass his muster , but have just as much right to see live music as anyone .
3 If Reynolds finds the atmosphere of these gigs so offensive , he should simply stay away from them , rather than inflict his Points Of View mentality on the thousands of people who may not pass his muster , but have just as much right to see live music as anyone .
4 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
5 Which is not to say that the nuclear powers should simply bang away at will .
6 Does she feel then that lesbian and gay films should simply continue to be included in the main programme ?
7 You should simply continue to follow your amended Stage I diet , which includes all the food from you " safe " list , and keep your consumption down to around 1,000 calories per day .
8 According to him I should simply sign over my share to his mother . ’
9 Because you put my back up with your cool assumption that I should simply tell you anything you want to know .
10 The jury twenty years in time and with the information you had from Superintendent , did you consider that instead of mounting a an operation like that , you should simply surround the flat or be with .
11 They say that , as the wars happened such a long time ago we should simply forget about them now .
12 You should simply sit down and work out why .
13 Presumably the footballing establishment thought Middlesbrough should simply sit back and accept their dismal fate .
14 But it was never suggested that Wordsworth should simply versify Coleridge 's ideas .
15 In the long term there would be a centralised body for monetary policy , supervised by the European Parliament , though in the short term members should simply try to limit the fluctuations between their currencies .
16 We shall return to some of these facts below when we consider social deixis , Here we should simply note that these various distinctions are often encoded in verbal inflections in an isomorphic manner .
17 Whether the diversity depicted above is reflected in the presence of two tests , rational basis and rightness , or whether we should simply work through the former is largely a matter of semantics .
18 If any proof were needed to insist that confessors and directors should avoid pressing their penitents into any clearly established scheme but instead should simply wait upon the Lord and watch and assist his working in the individual soul , this diversity among the great masters of the spiritual life should be sufficient .
19 If no form exists for a particular application , the applicant should simply apply in writing .
20 This process is now considerably simplified , because the sellers should simply tick the appropriate box in TransAction 's fixtures , fittings and contents questionnaire .
21 Anyone doubting such a claim should simply scan , as we have done , headlines of the more popular newspapers from about 1968 onwards and note the frequency with which terms such as ‘ mindless ’ , ‘ evil ’ , ‘ thuggery ’ , ‘ mad ’ , ‘ violent ’ , ‘ wanton destruction ’ , etc. , crop up in reports concerning football supporters .
22 The court 's order , signed 12 December 1990 , showed that , after the 27 July conference , the government had approached Chief Judge Platt privately to suggest that , rather than produce the documents he had specified , its agents should simply brief the court on certain matters connected with the bombing .
23 ( He does not even make any special point about the dishonesty which there would seem to be in doing this when acceptance of those claims is not the cause of one 's own attitude — to do so would be , from his point of view , to play the moralist rather than the philosopher who should simply describe ethical discourse . )
24 It was as if they should simply fade away when they got old like the soldiers they represented on stage .
25 The Old Age religions teach that we should not have desires , that we should simply accept whatever happens as God 's will .
26 Where there is a large number of transactions — the notice mentions 30,000 records — I do not think we should simply consider an isolated case where it would be impossible to say whether there had been a direct benefit from the acquisition of the wrappers or not .
27 Anyone who thinks there is should simply consider what our country 's position would be if our neighbours and trading partners formed a monetary union and , even though economic convergence had been achieved , Britain stayed outside .
28 That I should simply destroy them arbitrarily … and , yes , willingly , enthralled by slaughter … ’
29 He seemed to think she should simply take him at his word .
30 ‘ The Governments should simply say ‘ the talks bus is starting and we are taking on board everyone who wants to be involved , if you want to be left behind you do so at your peril ’ .
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