Example sentences of "give themselves the " in BNC.

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1 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
2 However , I do feel that girls like Alison need long-term professional therapy , not just drugs and brief hospitalisation , to help them learn to ‘ feed ’ themselves — give themselves the things they need , such as food or privacy or rest and relaxation — without feeling guilty , and to recognise what these hungers and desires are .
3 Few people give themselves the time to think clearly about their own futures .
4 She was a piano teacher ( most piano teachers give themselves the title Madam in South Wales ) , and the food was as tasteless as any I had encountered .
5 There were those at that time who cultivated melancholy to give themselves the appearance of profundity .
6 In the 19th Century the working classes , exasperated by their plight and the lack of initiative of their employers , formed into trades unions to give themselves the corporate strength which individuals lacked .
7 Similarly , he feels that by offering it as a no-cost option , the company invalidates the criticism that users will tie themselves into a non-standard technology : since V.32terbo is downwardly compatible with V.32bis , he points out that users are not losing anything by giving themselves the option of faster transmission with V.32terbo .
8 The authorities also gave themselves the most important voice on the gentry committees which were to decide on land boundaries and the size of the peasants ' payments .
9 Several parish and community councils have given themselves the status of a town council , whereupon the chairman of the parish council has become known as the town mayor .
10 They 'd not really given themselves the opportunity to consider a song from beginning to end — with them it was just get high and play .
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