Example sentences of "now found [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The high sea levels of the Pleistocene , corresponding to the interglacials , are often held to have been responsible for highly degraded marine terraces now found at altitudes up to about 70 m ( 230 ft ) above present sea level .
2 However , for colliding plane waves , the boundary conditions are of a totally different character , and many of the solutions of Ernst 's equation that are appropriate for axisymmetric fields , such as the Tomimatsu-Sato solutions , are now found to be inconsistent with the boundary conditions for colliding plane waves .
3 The Belgian Black Pied is now found throughout Belgium .
4 It produced distinctive pottery vessels in human or animal form , which are now found in large numbers in collections throughout the world .
5 It is not entirely clear whether these were improved native stock or were imported , nor is it conclusively proven that the Saxons brought the large type of red cattle to southern England , establishing the ancestors of the heavy modern red breeds now found in Devon , Sussex and Lincolnshire .
6 A breed society was formed in 1966 and herds are now found in mainland UK , Canada , New Zealand , Australia , Uruguay and , more recently , Germany .
7 It contains explanatory matter in the form of a long introduction which includes contributions on the development of Welsh , Scottish , Irish and Manx surnames , which are , of course , now found in England .
8 ALTHOUGH THE landscape of Sussex has been substantially modified by man , the basic geology and soil types still have an important bearing on the vegetation and crops , and hence the habitats available for birds now found in the county .
9 The number wintering in the county has always been quite small , and the main concentrations are now found in Chichester Harbour , mainly in Chichester Channel at Fishbourne , and the head of Bosham Channel , Pagham Harbour ( since 1971 ) , and sometimes still in the Amberley/Pulborough marshes .
10 Goldfish Facts Family : Cyprinidae ( Carp Family ) Scientific Names : Carassius auratus Origin : Southern China First kept as Pets : 265 AD by China , but now found in the wild throughout the world .
11 Introduction to Britain : Around 1700 Distribution : Originated in China , but now found in the wild throughout the world .
12 During the warmer , wetter periods such as the Miocene , between 15 and 25 million years ago , many species now found in the tropics — gibbons and orang-utans , for example — ranged much further north .
13 In some areas , a large proportion of the local population are in this position , reinforcing the sense of decay and despair now found in many city areas .
14 Detinue has now been abolished but the remedies for conversion where goods are detained by the defendant are now found in section 3 of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 , which is modelled on the common law remedies available for detinue .
15 Underlying the offences now found in Part III is the assumption that a serious threat to public order is inherent in certain forms of expression .
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