Example sentences of "good terms with " in BNC.

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1 On Sunday West Germany had complained about the police presence around its embassy , and the slackening of restrictions is thought to have reflected an apparent Czechoslovak desire to remain as far as possible on good terms with both Germanies .
2 ‘ Never mind , ’ she told herself , ‘ keep in good terms with them .
3 Indeed , his authority in the Loire region derived partly from the ineffectiveness of both royal power ( though he was on good terms with King Robert of France ) and episcopal power ( he was on bad terms with the bishop of Orléans ) .
4 At that time I was still on good terms with the General Intendant and he said , ‘ you should come to the rehearsals ’ .
5 As a boy , he was an excellent horseman and also became on good terms with a tribe of Sioux Indians .
6 He was on good terms with Marcus , content to know both that they would talk again , and that it was impossible to do so at the moment .
7 Superficially you were usually on good terms with them as individuals and sometimes there was even an elementary sense of comradeship .
8 On balance , is your teenager on good terms with life , with you , with others , with him/herself ?
9 It is very important to keep on happy and good terms with the family that are living and it is extremely sad when the death of a parent who loved all the children should be an unwitting source of family rifts .
10 He knew and was on good terms with Keith , and that man emphasised that it was only a temporary arrangement .
11 A high proportion were repeat visitors who appeared to be on good terms with the reception and service staff .
12 Peter Davenport ( the owner/manager ) is respected by the staff , who consider him to be fair , and is on good terms with his guests , many of whom share his public school and service background .
13 ‘ I 've loved all the men I 've been with and have kept on good terms with them except my ex-husbands , they 're my least favourite of all , ’ she said .
14 He is on good terms with Bardul , who tactfully does n't refer to his being dead , and will brief the adventurers on this point .
15 To hesitate would add to suspicions that the Fed cares more about staying on good terms with the White House than about price stability .
16 Charles Pasqua , interior minister in France 's new government , is a personal friend of both President Biya and President Omar Bongo of Gabon , and is on good terms with President Eyadéma .
17 The phrase conveys a sense of the desired relationship between elderly people and their relatives , especially their children : they want to be on good terms with them , and to have regular contact with them , but they do not want to rely on them too directly .
18 The vulnerability of minor revenue officials to demotion or removal made it imperative for them to remain on good terms with men of influence able to mar their careers , and shortly after his clash with the provost of Inverkeithing Main made his peace with the Cunningham family .
19 Unfortunately that was insufficient to keep Ballingall employed , for the General was not on good terms with Ballingall , and clearly did not feel compelled to serve Lord Melville , and it was the latter whom Ballingall chose to blame for his misfortunes , complaining of the injustice of this treatment when ‘ Lord Melville never had a more staunch friend , nor strinuous supporter in the district of these Boroughs ’ .
20 He is still on good terms with all his ex-wives and girlfriends ; he is bemused that anyone should think this odd .
21 Macnab went on holiday to Berlin with a letter from Joyce to Christian Bauer , a contact whom they had made in London and who was said to be on good terms with Goebbels .
22 For instance , Irving Janis has developed an account of foreign policy-making which he termed ‘ Group-think ’ ; according to this account , members of a decision-making group may fail to voice their reservations over proposed courses of action in order to remain on good terms with the rest of the group .
23 Despite the essential superficiality of much of this contact , the traditional empathy between the nations has assisted the Japanese to be on good terms with a regime whose political ideology is the antithesis of their own .
24 He was on sufficiently good terms with the prince 's chamberlain , Sir Thomas Vaughan , for Vaughan to lend him his London house in the 1470s , and although this relationship did not survive Richard 's usurpation , other servants of the prince transferred to Richard 's household after his accession .
25 Many Scots magnates , related to or on good terms with the Comyns , took the English part .
26 It will be seen that the conscientious media man has to keep on good terms with a lot of people .
27 Nor can the charge of time-serving be wholly accepted of a prelate who was on good terms with John XXII , who protested against the king 's retention of the Templars ' lands , and whose piety was esteemed by contemporaries .
28 This immobility also makes it essential for him to be on good terms with his neighbours , as they are likely to be there , for better or worse , for most of his life .
29 Being on good terms with dischargers is essential for the field man to do his job efficiently : it allows him access to property whenever necessary , enabling him to carry out inspections , and to raise matters which might otherwise be sensitive .
30 For example , he has been married and is still on very good terms with his wife ; their divorce unlocked her true potential , and she is now a part-time feminist studies lecturer at SCU .
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