Example sentences of "no doubt [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In some minds this attitude was linked — no doubt below the threshold of consciousness — with sexual guilt ; someone had to suffer .
2 The Report of the Consultative Committee on Continuation Schools ( no doubt under the influence of Sadler ) quoted him approvingly when he wrote that apprentices should learn ‘ the truth of the maxim that the meaning of life is not to rule but to render service to one 's neighbour , service to one 's calling , service to one 's native country , service to truth and to justice ’ .
3 They are a fine , dedicated force of men , at their best when controlling crowds and/or breaking-up gang battles ; at their worst when ( no doubt under orders ) protecting fascists on the march .
4 It was uncommon in those days , and still is , for publishers to commission artists of such quality to illustrate cookery books , and a little of the success of Boulestin 's early books must be acknowledged to his publishers who , no doubt under the guidance of their author , produced them in so appropriate a form , in large type , on thick paper : chunky , easy little books to handle , attractively bound .
5 It can not be doubted that the constable was ‘ on duty ’ when he stopped the cyclist , and he was no doubt under some sort of obligation to stop the cyclist to enable him to bring the defendant before the court ultimately .
6 And it was also at this time , erm partly under the influence of war , partly no doubt under the influence of Freud , he began to become very much more conscious of the ugly , destructive patterns of unconscious motivation , which underlie the decorous surface of civilized life .
7 There could be no doubt at all that he was dead .
8 While not seeking to cave your opponent 's ribs in , do strike hard enough to leave the refereeing panel in no doubt at all that contact has been made on the scoring area .
9 She would offer her breast as a blood sacrifice for life and in that moment of despair she had no doubt at all but that death would accept it and she would have to live .
10 Finally , as if rewarding us for our efforts , Yuri provided us with what was for us the highlight of the day — an impromptu performance ( to a disco beat ) which left us in no doubt at all as to why this tall , handsome athlete is Russia 's leading ballet super-Tsar !
11 Abraham , in the previous chapter , is in no doubt at all .
12 There is no doubt at all , however , about Jacob 's reaction when his messengers return .
13 He would probably like it softer , but whatever your view of Mrs Pitman , his trainer , as a strategist and communicator , there is no doubt at all of her ability to train Grand National horses .
14 At a time of fluctuations in world rankings , it is rash to think that the destiny of the famous green jacket is in the hands of only two players , but there is no doubt at all that — as far as Couples is concerned — ‘ the United States expects ’ .
15 There is no doubt at all that this is true in engineering , urban planning , and circulation terms .
16 ‘ There is no doubt at all in my mind that we have all lives many lives before and that we have an individual life-force which never dies . ’
17 Only if their teacher were with them were they allowed to cross the dusty lane to play on the greater green , for Miss Watson was a woman who had no doubt at all that each and every pupil would be run over and either maimed or killed outright if she were not there to keep an eye on their movements .
18 There was no doubt at all about it in her mind .
19 There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place .
20 I have no doubt at all the Devil grins
21 There is no doubt at all that heads have the power , in managerial terms , to make such decisions ; but it would be a foolish head who put them to the governors without first winning staff support .
22 Despite the lack of specific reacting cells , there is no doubt at all that the lymphocyte is the ‘ master of ceremonies ’ for all the activity .
23 But his mate , a long tall one in a trilby hat , no doubt at all about the robbery .
24 That 's a pity for there is no doubt at all that hemp nets hang better and catch better .
25 There was no doubt at all , if he led this assault , that he would not return .
26 There is no doubt at all from Dutch and German experience that widespread public participation could be expected if changes were proposed in priority in streets or in speed limits .
27 Orkney 's Social Work Department , whose leading officials apparently had no doubt at all that the parents were all guilty of abusing their children .
28 This bias was no doubt at least partially a reflection of the haphazard organization of policing in Britain itself at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
29 That there was some man somewhere who had , to put it in all its baldness , got Liza into trouble , Harriet had no doubt at all .
30 No doubt at all .
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