Example sentences of "well over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The elections , which involved well over a quarter of the electorate , were seen both as a dress rehearsal for the North-Rhine Westphalian Land elections in May next year and as a test of the political mood in the country .
2 Salami are usually air-dried at a constant temperature during which time they lose well over a quarter and up to a third of their original weight through evaporation of the water content .
3 A few months after I joined the Department of Transport in 1979 I was presented with an issue which had baffled governments for well over a hundred years .
4 These have been possible because the portraits of Roman emperors of the first two centuries AD were , for the most part , strongly individualised and because portraits in the round have survived in large numbers — there are in some cases well over a hundred examples for each emperor .
5 Late last night he was believed to have taken well over a third of all the votes cast in the Sicilian capital .
6 In the same year , there were 91 courses on international affairs , international history , current social or economic problems , political theory or machinery of government — well over a quarter of the District 's total programme .
7 We said we will try to extract that sulphur … so we are spending a fortune , well over a billion in the first instance , and then another £600 million after that , to try to take the sulphur out . ’
8 By the mid-1980s well over a hundred hypotheses had been put forward to explain the forest decline .
9 hospitals are treating well over a million more people a year as in-patients
10 We have now licensed well over a hundred cable TV networks and this new industry expects to invest £3,000 million over the next five years .
11 By the early 1970s , well over a hundred such projects had been completed or were in progress : the largest single number in the sciences , but with mathematics , English , and the humanities also scoring high .
12 There would be a frantic dive for the wash-basins as soon as the show finished , as most theatres still only had one basin in dressing-rooms that held well over a dozen Girls .
13 It is not , however , generally known that the first-ever ‘ unit ’ was established in 1873 , well over a hundred years ago !
14 The main bone of contention is undoubtedly Klemperer 's predilection for extremely slow tempi throughout the work , stretching the Symphony 's duration to well over a hundred minutes !
15 When you consider that these days we are running well over a second faster , your can see by how much British sprinting has advanced .
16 ‘ It took seven months to settle the claim for the car and well over a year to sort out compensation for both my injuries and for the inconvenience , ’ says Otis .
17 Its vineyards , which have grown both black and white grapes for well over a hundred years , form a horseshoe around the Montagne d'Avize , starting with south-west-facing slopes south-west of the village , bending into a bank of north-facing vines at the back of the village and curving round into north-east-facing slopes close to the village of Cramant .
18 Her investments provided her with an annual income of well over a million dollars , in addition to the trusts and investments left to her directly by her husband .
19 The latter is the third largest travel agent in the UK , has 334 branches , and employs 1,300 people — well over a third of Airtours 3,500 total workforce .
20 In fairness to Tunstall , it should be noted that the 1991/92 accounts were signed on 7 December 1992 , well over a week before the UITF statement on the application of abstracts was published .
21 Marbling was practised in the east well over a thousand years ago , but it was late in arriving in Europe .
22 The Marcoses may have stashed away well over a billion dollars plus other Philippino assets , in the USA , Switzerland and elsewhere , but neither Nicolae nor Elena Ceauşescu felt under any compulsion to insure themselves against a rainy day .
23 We must have worked on well over a hundred different substances and there was absolutely no doubt about it .
24 SWIRL ‘ Plumptuous ’ their first release since the EP ‘ A Matter Of Attitude ’ well over a year ago
25 Their joint commissions reached well over a hundred , and though by the time the Dolls ' House was created , Miss Jekyll was nearly eighty and practically blind , being asked to design the garden gave her immense satisfaction , and has left us with an unaltered glimpse of this period of England 's gardening history .
26 Well over a year since ‘ Yerself Is Steam ’ was first released , the appeal of Mercury Rev — a reason why , dammit — is still as hard to pinpoint .
27 We 've never seen hilt nor hair of that man for well over a year now .
28 By the late 1980s British publishing was issuing over 50 000 titles a year , more than 40 000 of them new titles , or well over a hundred ( on average ) for every working day .
29 Despite a disconcerting 85% plunge in net profits to just $94.5m , Fujitsu Ltd , bolstered by the acquisition of ICL Plc is putting rapidly increasing distance between itself and the other contenders for the title ‘ world 's second-biggest computer company ’ : some commentators illegitimately eliminate Fujitsu 's semiconductor sales from the total simply because the company sells more of its chip output on the merchant market than do IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co , but all of Fujitsu 's $26,640m annual turnover is information technology-related — and the company is now nearly twice the size of the $14,000m-a-year DEC , and well over a third the size of IBM ; only a decade ago , IBM was more like 10 times the size of the next biggest computer manufacturer .
30 It numbered well over a million men by Nicholas 's day .
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