Example sentences of "more effective in " in BNC.

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1 Arguably the modern play with a limited cast is more effective in drawing in professional agents and casting directors since there are fewer ‘ bit ’ parts for students to get lost in .
2 From this analysis it can then try to identify ways in which marketing expenditure can be made more effective in each country .
3 Old friends who are Christians in moderation think that such talents as you have could be more effective in some other vocation .
4 In addition the insulin appears to be slightly more effective in the morning at promoting glucose uptake and use by the cells of the body .
5 ‘ You could help the kids be more effective in getting more pleasure and more value from their friendships .
6 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
7 We will undertake reform of the teacher training system to make it more effective in developing classroom skills .
8 Westminster must become more effective in protecting citizens and holding government to account .
9 The early fossil bony fish have tails with the long blade uppermost , whereas the more advanced living bony fish have a tail that is symmetrical , and more effective in producing a horizontal thrust .
10 As the volume of water required for lockage of the existing traffic was 1,000,000 cubic feet only , it is obvious that it would have been more effective in the saving of water to reduce leakage rather than to concentrate on reducing the passage of water through locks — and much cheaper .
11 Resorting to personal ties to survive or advance is a mechanism which has been used to some effect over the generations , but which prevents people turning to organisations or political activity which might , in the long run , prove more effective in solving their problems .
12 Although there has been a growing amount of evidence that rewarding good behaviour can be far more effective in maintaining pupil discipline than punishing bad behaviour , and despite official encouragement for rewarding , there has been found to be ‘ a continuing emphasis ’ on punishments .
13 Where the school is in the wrong then full and generous apologies and expressions of concern are far more effective in maintaining good relationships than attempts to justify unjustifiable action .
14 The other problem is that Labour is not interested either in reforming the political process very radically to make it more effective in protecting citizens .
15 The meeting was chaired by Betty Sinclair , who reminded the supporters that their objective was to demonstrate for civil rights , for jobs and for houses : ‘ We are asking you to listen to the speakers , and what we have done today will go down in history and in this way we will be more effective in showing the world that we are a peaceful people asking for our civil rights in an orderly manner . '
16 And what , thought reformers , could be more effective in pursuit of this goal than to inculcate in young workers the values of citizenship — a popular doctrine which drew support from all political perspectives ?
17 Even where councils are more effective in initiating and developing IIAs , the real effect of such activities can easily be overstressed .
18 Gibbons et al. ( 1978a ) demonstrated that treatment by social workers using a standardized task-centred approach ( Reid and Epstein 1972 ) was more effective in terms of improving patients ' social problems than traditional care recommended by psychiatrists , although only for female patients ( Gibbons 1979 ) .
19 A torso is much more effective in demonstrating relationships , because the learner is ‘ doing ’ by handling the organs , taking apart and putting them together again .
20 With that said , a large number of studies have shown that physical measures are much more effective in reducing speeding .
21 While it is convenient in many cases to treat fish in the aquarium or pond , a bath immersion treatment is often more effective in certain diseases .
22 Some argued and some still argue that a low profile was more effective in meeting existing .
23 Some Scots activists argue that this is more effective in the context of the more collectivist Scottish political culture .
24 I have suggested that it is the function of grammar to reduce the range of meaning signalled by words so as to make them more effective in the identification of features of context , thereby providing for the increased indexical potential of lexis .
25 Also a local Christian , prepared by the Spirit , is more effective in his witness than the missionary can ever be .
26 It 's so exciting to see God change lives , bringing healing and restoration , equipping people to be more effective in sharing His love in the world .
27 If you then discover that of your part families a high proportion consist of the wife in membership to the exclusion of the husband , this should lead to some questions being raised about your programme which is obviously proving more effective in one area than another .
28 The reasons for the Special Forces not proving more effective in this desperate year of 1940 , lay as much in the political problems and strategy as in shortages of equipment .
29 ‘ We would probably be more effective in combating crime if we could train reformed otaku .
30 The heating is a bonus , resulting from the release of latent heat as the moisture vapour condenses to liquid water within the machine , but dehumidifiers are not really heating devices — they are more effective in warm homes with high humidity levels than they are in buildings where low temperatures are the main problem .
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