Example sentences of "more difficult for " in BNC.

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1 Though in the statement it was mentioned that statistics from other countries were too unreliable to say that pro-divorce legislation increased the instability of marriages and led to an ever-increasing number of breakdowns , Archbishop McNamara was already preaching by 6 May that divorce ‘ makes stable and permanent marriages more difficult for everyone ’ ( Irish Times , 7 May 1986 ) .
2 He also continued to affirm that the introduction of divorce would make it more difficult for people to lead ‘ good moral lives ’ .
3 She exhorted him to ‘ follow your little heart ’ ; it was much more difficult for her to do so , and it showed .
4 As people grow older , however , they may be more likely to develop illnesses or conditions which make it more difficult for them to cope without some help or support .
5 The present law makes it more difficult for counselling organisations to reach gay men in this age group .
6 He had the Jaguar prize firmly in his sights when opting for a steady clear round in Tuesday night 's Rover Classic , instead of attempting a time which might have made it more difficult for Nick Skelton to win on Burmah Serenade .
7 If that approach prevails in the higher courts , it will amount to a major reverse , making it more difficult for the ordinary citizen to complain of unlawful action by a public authority .
8 The things you have to do make it progressively more and more difficult for you to really get around and see what 's going on in your factories .
9 Of course , as the ISC says , if there are no independent directors it is rather more difficult for shareholders to get an independent view of the directors ' offer .
10 But even in those circumstances the new rules hopefully should make sure that it is more difficult for managements to buy companies on the cheap from under the noses of their shareholders .
11 On the credit side , collaboration with Europe has three great advantages : development costs , though not halved , are reduced from about a third to a quarter for each country depending on how many countries participate ; production runs are longer , leading to lower costs ; and , from the cynical military point of view , expensive high-risk collaborative projects are more difficult for governments to cancel .
12 It became more difficult for devout persons to explain why unforeseen disaster should overtake a religious group .
13 As Wordsworth wrote , ‘ Nothing was more difficult for me in childhood than to admit the notion of death as a state applicable to my own being …
14 We can see that a horse 's physical needs , like food , will affect not only its health , but also its emotions ; and we can see , too , that denial of the horse 's psychological needs will only make life more difficult for ourselves .
15 Horses also use other forms of communication , but they are more difficult for us to understand .
16 It is more difficult for man to look up than to look down .
17 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
18 The problems of housing were more difficult for the individual to solve and assistance was necessary from both central government , in the form of finance , and from local government , in the form of flexibility in the operation of planning controls .
19 Soaring land prices throughout Europe have made it more and more difficult for less viable farmers to enlarge their farms along the lines of government and EEC structural policy .
20 They can certainly make it more difficult for people to look after themselves .
21 Through clientelism , the allegiance of the peasant is to his patron rather than to other peasants , so that it is more difficult for solidarity between those in the peasant class to develop .
22 But industrial development takes remunerative work out of the home , making it more difficult for wives and mothers to participate .
23 However , the presence of the physical handicap will make it more difficult for the person to eventually lead an independent life .
24 Other examples of applications of high energy technology to agriculture and stock-rearing , such as deep boreholes in semi-arid areas are discussed by Cliffe and Moorsom ( 1979 ) , and Kassapu ( 1979 ) , where it becomes even more difficult for those with dwindling resources to avail themselves of soil conserving and yield enhancing new technologies .
25 More particularly , those who owed their careers and their satisfactions to grammar schools , or were headmasters of them , feared that the progressive elimination of those schools might make it more difficult for the maintained sector to compete effectively with the independent schools .
26 Despite the media army , it is becoming more and more difficult for the Allies to cover up the ancient and ruthless strategy of global domination and exploitation underlying their actions .
27 Walking without full control of the spasticity would only make it more difficult for the patient to gain that control in the longer term .
28 But , inevitably , it was more difficult for his mother .
29 Consequently , as Needham has pointed out , in so far as Chinese natural philosophy ‘ was committed to thinking of time in separate compartments or boxes , perhaps it was more difficult for a Galileo to arise who should uniformise time into an abstract geometrical co-ordinate , a continuous dimension amenable to mathematical handling ’ .
30 So you are merely making life more difficult for yourself if you neglect the recruitment and selection process .
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