Example sentences of "than a boy " in BNC.

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1 This so impressed the then president of the Canadian branch of the Anglo Jewish Association that he invited the young man , scarcely more than a boy , to be its secretary ; the start of a highly successful and very wide range of business and charitable interests .
2 The real situation was between the widow and the youngster who was effectively older than a boy , in feeling and reaction at least .
3 A Japanese boy could now expect to live 75 years , three years longer than a boy born in England or Wales .
4 This meant that on average a girl would have to obtain higher examination marks than a boy to secure a place at such a school .
5 He was small and hard and wild and in some ways more like an animal than a boy .
6 I brooded constantly over why my being a girl rather than a boy would make my life so different from my brothers ’ .
7 You were no more than a boy the last time I saw you … twelve , thirteen at the most .
8 As you say , I was little more than a boy .
9 He was little more than a boy .
10 The Mogridge of Mochica was n't much more than a boy .
11 It is clear enough what was happening : a girl was paid more than a boy on entering the trade and continued to earn more until both were approaching 20 years old , when the male rate drew ahead and suddenly leapfrogged to become double that of the female rate .
12 Most women had been brought up to do sewing and dressmaking : it was no accident , nor was it a question of " natural aptitude " that a teenage girl entering the composing-room was likely to be more dexterous at first than a boy , and to apply both the physical and mental habits acquired in sewing to the job in hand .
13 Hardly more than a boy , in fact .
14 The boy was so small ; more like a child of eight than a boy of fifteen .
15 And his will was that the slave , the young man who was scarcely more than a boy , should somehow die for his brief moment of rebellion .
16 He had been little more than a boy then .
17 Her companion , ’ the landlord shrugged , ‘ really nothing more than a boy .
18 I was n't much more than a boy myself .
19 The Emperor is no more than a boy .
20 ‘ I suppose it 's better for a girl than a boy , ’ said Ken doubtfully , ‘ but all the same you should have asked me . ’
21 Three wore the white coats of the back-room boffin , the fourth was diminutive , little more than a boy .
22 The likeness was there , Master Harry 's divination had been marvellously guided ; but he had carved a man , and this , after all , was no more than a boy , not yet grown .
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