Example sentences of "come to britain " in BNC.

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31 Caribbeans who have come to Britain from abroad have probably always brought with them their own distinctively Caribbean varieties of language ; yet it is only in the last two or three decades that educators and policy makers — and to some extent , the general public — have taken an interest in " Black English " ( also called Creole or Patois ) in Britain .
32 Having failed to raise sufficient funds for such an undertaking in America , Field came to Britain and , supported by Samuel Morse , their target of £350,000 was passed in two weeks ; the Atlantic Telegraph Company was registered on the October 20 , 1856 .
33 Walter Kent , the 72-year-old American composer of the wartime song White Cliffs of Dover , came to Britain for his first glimpse of the aforesaid cliffs .
34 When the Dalai Lama came to Britain in April 1988 , he was snubbed by the Government .
35 About 3,500 Kurds came to Britain last May and June , before a visa requirement was hurried in to stem an influx .
36 Some are economic refugees who came to Britain seeking a better life ; the rest are trying to escape oppression and even torture .
37 All from Exeter , where they settled after the war , the three are Joe Wasniowski , who was a flight mechanic with 317 ( Wilenski ) Hurricane and Spitfire Squadron ; Ted Wijaszko , a radar techician with 307 ( Lwowski ) night fighter Squadron , which flew Defiants , Beaufighters and Mosquitos ; and Stan Kadzielski , a naval gunner who came to Britain as a crew member of the destroyer Burza .
38 When Sikh men came to Britain in the fifties it was with the hope of making some money ( usually to buy more land for the family farm ) and returning .
39 Mirpuri and Bangladeshi women came to Britain mainly as a result of immigration control .
40 It was like this — my uncle and my father came to Britain first and my uncle gave his pay packet to my father , who is older .
41 Before they came to Britain , Asian women from a peasant background were agricultural workers doing as much work on the land as men did .
42 Before Asian immigrants came to Britain , these jobs were done by previous waves of immigrants in certain areas ( like the East End of London ) .
43 Why , one might ask in reply , did Anderson never develop stories that engaged with just these issues , even when Joseph Losey , an American who came to Britain in the early 1950s as a refugee from the communist witch-hunts , could deal with them in an assignment for Hammer .
44 His wish was not to rake over the past of men who had lived peacefully in this country since they came to Britain as refugees after the war , he said .
45 This is so of Aubrey Williams , who came to Britain from Guyana in 1952 ; of Ahmed Parvez , a Pakistani who arrived in London in 1955 , and of Iqbal Geoffrey , a highly uneven artist whose splashings and fuzzed calligraphy have genuine feeling for improvisation .
46 He then came to Britain , where he worked on a farm and in a Blackburn cotton mill .
47 Useful though this information is , however , it still leaves the central question open of whether the figures came to Britain in antiquity or more recently .
48 In 1853 Mrs Stowe came to Britain to be lauded while Calvin came to lecture on Teetotalism .
49 Boyd first came to Britain in the early Sixties as the organiser of one of the first package tours of blues and gospel musicians , featuring artists such as Muddy Waters and the Reverend Gary Davis .
50 Stone Walls , Grey Skies , by the distinguished American architectural photographer , George Tice , who came to Britain last year as Fellow in Photography at the NMPFT and Bradford and Ilkley Community College .
51 Making up yardage charts started in America in the late 1950s , took off in the 1960s and came to Britain in the 1970s .
52 Balanchine , City Ballet 's artistic director , came to Britain to mount his Ballet Imperial for Sadler 's Wells Ballet , was able to see Beauty and the Beast , and approved the choice .
53 A delegation of Indian software producers who came to Britain last year received only three responses from 190 British computer firms they visited .
54 Before 1869 , there was no Institution in England and Wales ( nor for that matter , in Scotland ) where deaf children of Roman Catholics could be educated in their own faith , and when a Belgian priest , Monsignore de Haerne , a deputy in the Belgian Senate , learnt of this , he came to Britain for the purpose of establishing one .
55 This , then , was the Jamaican norm , and when I came to Britain , which was still in the throes of the ‘ Swinging Sixties ’ , I found the comparative indiscipline in schools difficult to cope with .
56 The jobs they had when they came to Britain were menial , jobs that nobody else would deign to do .
57 Adding to these the 431 children sponsored by Inter-Aid in the months before Kristallnacht , the 700 or so who came to Britain under the auspices of Youth Allyah , the 100 orthodox children rescued by Rabbi Schonfeld and the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations , and the Polish and Czech refugees saved by Nicholas Winton and his friends , brings the total to well over 10,000 .
58 Soon afterwards his mother and sister came to Britain .
59 The first show quality Akitas came to Britain in about 1980 and no one then could have predicted just how quickly the breed would gain popularity .
60 Since the mid-1980s when the satanic child abuse scare first came to Britain , it seems that many workers within Social Services in particular have been influenced by this thinking .
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