Example sentences of "one thing [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Minister is just finishing a phone call , then I must tell him one thing before he sees you , ’ he said , briskly , glancing at the miniature switchboard beside him which sat incongruously in the draughty , high-ceilinged , dingy room .
2 But I 'll tell you one thing before I go .
3 Will you do one thing before you go though class ?
4 Just get rid of one thing before you start
5 ‘ Just one thing before you go . ’
6 Erm one thing before we move on do you think there is a distinction or a difference between the outline agrarian land reform which is essentially 's creation , and the speech that he gives at the end of the conference ?
7 Oh , just one thing before you go , Fran .
8 ‘ But remember one thing before you go all ‘ Mafia ’ on Steve Cannock .
9 Or to say one thing while he was thinking another .
10 So you run the risk that they are thinking about one thing while you are pursuing another ;
11 Yet at times kung fu appears to contradict itself , professing one thing while seeming to do the opposite .
12 Er well it 's just I 'm ha it 's not that I 'm having more difficulty with one thing than another , it 's just that I have n't , I did n't get round to doing them .
13 Part of the trouble with Harwich is it 's neither one thing nor the other . ’
14 As advertisers see it , the Times is neither one thing nor t' other .
15 Her chief horror is to have clothes lying around that are neither one thing nor the other .
16 This is the trouble with compromises ; there was enough dialogue to string the musical numbers together , and the abridgement guarded against tedium , but the result is neither one thing nor the other .
17 The Bidouze marks very roughly the boundary between Basse-Navarre to the west and the third Basque province of the Soule to the east , and because Saint-Palais is , additionally , very close to where the Basque country ends and the region known as Béarn begins , it is something of a transitional town , neither one thing nor the other .
18 But in the prevailing higher education culture they seem to represent neither one thing nor the other .
19 " Chicken-ducks , " neither one thing nor the other .
20 ‘ He always said it was neither one thing nor the other .
21 Because I 'm always neither one thing nor the other .
22 And when Gittel cut my pride and my heart into pieces with her little sharp fingernails , and I let loose the dybbuk on her and got punished for it , I was neither one thing nor the other , once again . ’
23 As I said , I suppose I 'm neither one thing nor the other . ’
24 I think , I do n't know if , I 'm finding it quite difficult at the moment because he , he 's sort of neither one thing nor the other and we 're out a lot sort of
25 Losing was one thing but to lose as spinelessly as the Welsh XV did to Bridgend on Saturday was to add insult to severely injured pride .
26 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
27 The counter-argument is that peaceful protest is one thing but violent protest crosses the boundaries of acceptability ; the value of physical integrity is such that violence and threats of violence ought not to be downgraded simply because their origins lie in some political protest .
28 A bag full of cocaine is one thing but a steak pie ?
29 The occasional sly lift is one thing but I suspect Irish referee Stephen Hilditch will become suspicious when he sees Adolf Malan waving at him from upon high while he waits for the throw .
30 Clearly , it could not have enhanced it ; why obey a legal system in which senior officials publicly pose as against one thing but privately collude in its occurrence — not only ought they to be condemned as hypocrites but their laws ought also to be disregarded as mere propaganda concealing the lack of will to control corporate behaviour .
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