Example sentences of "when [pron] needed " in BNC.

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1 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores like shopping and housework when I needed it .
2 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores like shopping and housework when I needed it .
3 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores , like shopping and housework , when I needed it .
4 Once , I was going to be a bridesmaid in a blue dress , and when I needed new shoes before the wedding , I refused to have blue shoes , insisting on brown ones .
5 When I needed some black shoes for the annual ASP banquet in Honolulu , Bodo van der Leeden dug out a pair he 'd bought fifteen years before .
6 ‘ Last monsoon when I needed some musk to rub on a snake-bite , I did n't have to look far .
7 This method is magic and it helped me out just when I needed it .
8 That 's what I done — except if there was an overseas tour to foller , when I needed my concentration . ’
9 I used this technique for areas of detail , or when I needed deeper areas in large washes .
10 When I needed information for my paper , he was always helpful .
11 But when I needed a breath of air , or wished to explore Reine , and was out of the attic for an hour or so , leaving him alone there , he became depressed and even a little disagreeable .
12 Just when I needed it most , too . ’
13 When I needed help she was there to stand beside me . ’
14 And I thought : Where were you when I needed you , Dad ?
15 It was a real drag to find them handcuffed behind my back just when I needed them most , I can tell you .
16 And where was he when I needed him ?
17 He played some good stuff and I did n't raise my game when I needed to , ’ added Wilkinson .
18 Whilst he was on the bridge I asked him if he could leave it open and explained I would shut it when somebody needed to get over .
19 McLeish glanced at the clock on Yeo 's desk and saw that he was running behind ti me , as tended to happen at this stage in an investigation when you needed to be in six places at once .
20 It was like being given an ice-cube when you needed hot soup .
21 He created space when you needed it and closed it when you did n't .
22 I was there when you needed me .
23 Would you have to pay income tax on it , and could you get vacant possession when you needed it ?
24 In real terms the cost had n't changed that much since the days of hot metal when you needed a new matrix for each font and , after all , why should it have .
25 Most of the time you could just ignore a lot of the stuff you did n't know ; it 'd come in time , you 'd be told when you needed to know …
26 That child always vanished just when you needed her .
27 And of course er when an article became , when you needed an article or something broke down in the car and you needed to m=make something up on the lathe o it was made on the premises .
28 He was like a drop of the hard stuff , just when you needed it most . ’
29 When you needed an extra pair of hands in a hurry so that you could get on with a job , Roger was always the first to drop what he was doing and help you . ’
30 Where was the toaster when you needed him ?
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