Example sentences of "go beyond the " in BNC.

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1 The authority said yesterday that the delays arose because the research amounted to what scientists called a ‘ blue skies ’ project because it involved going beyond the present capacity of the reactor design .
2 Perversely , I enjoyed going beyond the last putt , and watching Augusta 's chairman , embodiment of America 's ‘ Establishment , ’ claim his share of world television with a speech of mind-bending banality .
3 By ‘ transcendence ’ he simply meant surpassing or going beyond the limits of previous organization .
4 a ) It seems to us that for you to incorporate the Data ( and I am presuming it is only the Data and not the Search Software ) into your On-line Public Access Catalog system is going beyond the research use for which this special release of OALD 3/e Electronic was intended .
5 Very occasionally in going beyond the immediate subject a few minor errors have crept in , but no one else could have told the main story in so authoritative a fashion .
6 Sharp is claimed to be leading the world in the area of development and production of individual/home information tools and plans development and exploitation of ‘ the next-generation of products based on their ‘ Personal Information Tool ’ initiative which advocates considering communication among people and co-possession of information going beyond the conventional personal idea and creating a new life culture ’ — Their words not ours !
7 In describing these ways of sensing , I am probably going beyond the bounds of what pertains especially to the feminine , since these are basic human abilities .
8 Knives are now a standard part of the criminal 's equipment and it is very difficult for us to defend ourselves without going beyond the law , but there are ways — as you will see later .
9 Some scholars , however , see Matthew 's interest in the Church as going beyond the mere mention of the word .
10 Such examples can easily be multiplied without going beyond the bounds of the county of Stirling , The Honourable William Elphinstone , a gentleman active in the politics of both Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire , was three times chairman of the East India Company and always maintained close relations with the shipping interest , having himself commanded the East Indiaman Tryton before becoming a director , while the Haldanes of Airthrey , significant in the political life of Perth , Dunbarton and Stirlingshire , had similar connections with the Indian shipping interest .
11 Going beyond the Common Japanese Application Binary Interface ( OCMP-ABI ) , the group has added new standards for 3D graphics ( based on Silicon Graphics ' Open GL software ) and I/O bus hardware and software ( using the 110Mb per second APbus , and Euroboard specifications ) .
12 where the issue is tangential and raises considerations going beyond the scope of the Convention or too complex to be covered in it .
13 This met with opposition from representatives from civil-law jurisdictions on the ground that it was incompatible with the possession vaut titre principle and had implications going beyond the field of leasing , and the Study Group eventually concluded that no progress could be made on this issue and limited the statement of priority to conflicts between the lessor and the lessee 's general creditors , subject to perfection of the lessor 's title in accordance with any public notice requirements of the applicable law .
14 The librarian had also found the committee helpful in a number of ways by going beyond the narrow terms of the funding itself .
15 Despite such claims , it is hard to avoid the conclusion that in both the USA and the UK , the audio-visual movement rarely came to grips with the need for an elaborated theory going beyond the use of audio-visual materials as decorative additions to the traditional lesson .
16 Primary Health Care , understood as an approach to health care going beyond the medical model to include the promotive , rehabilitative and educational dimensions of health care in addition to curative/treatment dimensions , came on to the international stage in 1978 at the conference of Alma Ata .
17 Rescission will only be impossible when financial adjustment is obstructed by circumstances going beyond the difficulty of valuation of investments which have been sold on : see Birks , An Introduction to the Law of Restitution ( 1985 ) , p. 423 .
18 Accordingly , if the nature of the privilege going beyond the Bill of Rights had been identified , your Lordships could have determined whether or not such privilege exists , although it would be for the House of Commons to determine whether or not there was an infringement of any privilege found to exist .
19 By going beyond the scented ashram walls of Subud , Lorne and Lydia had touched on an unsuspected world on the brink of disappearing .
20 In doing so we are going beyond the consideration of the facts of disadvantage to uncovering the mechanisms through which it is produced and perpetuated .
21 Going beyond the clash of personalities , The Lancet probed the underlying causes of this medical decline .
22 Thirdly , it does not inspire confidence in her work to find it not simply going beyond the independent evidence we have , but often going against it .
23 It focuses on the wider community context by going beyond the school in order to explore relationships outside it in which parents themselves have a high profile .
24 A 1971 CNAA document on the work of the subject boards , while describing the process with some care , also expressed warnings about excessive detail and going beyond the board 's remit .
25 Where the medical examination that the defendant 's doctor wants to carry out involves tests and the like , going beyond the usual type of physical examination , the plaintiff may not necessarily be entitled to object .
26 As the setting was inside a series of computer games , there was no real requirement to go beyond the ‘ computer look . ’
27 Peter Thompson now explained that he wanted to go beyond the concept of a management buy-out and to involve all the staff who wanted to buy shares .
28 Whether the prosecution can prove attempted rape rather than the lesser offence of indecent assault will often depend on proof of the defendant 's intention to go beyond the indecent acts already committed .
29 The destruction of the oaks has a poignancy for her that seems to go beyond the aesthetic .
30 But if we are to understand it , and , particularly , if we are to distinguish within it between cynical accommodation and genuine playfulness , we are going to have to go beyond the embarrassingly inappropriate assumption that it has something to do with ‘ Brechtian ’ distanciation or ‘ modernist ’ self-reflexiveness .
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