Example sentences of "what happen in " in BNC.

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1 Interpretation is allowed to copy what it finds , and to distort it , and it may be that the novel can be interpreted as an entertainment which conveys that doctrines of science and improvement ca n't encompass what happens in a frightening world , where motive is dark and ill-will ubiquitous .
2 In calling his recent book about his own early life by the name of The Facts , Philip Roth is issuing a challenge — expecting his readers to know that there are no bare facts , and obliging them to think hard about what happens in the recounting of the facts of a life .
3 Kelman stands much closer to the new hero , and more is made of what happens in that hero 's head .
4 Of all the classes this is closest to what happens in an actual rehearsal , since it is much more concerned with the technical means of presenting a character .
5 You can dream and dream but only what happens in this room night after night is important .
6 That is what happens in the big glass too , he wrote .
7 This is what happens in MacMillan 's Romeo and Juliet and Ashton 's A Month in the Country .
8 Traditional psychology from Freud onwards has held that what happens in the earliest years of childhood can affect our later perceptions of ourselves .
9 Apart from crude measures of test and exam results , schools have no equivalent ; appraisal of what happens in classrooms must include some of the quality-control functions .
10 But in a series of remarks broadly encouraging to solicitors , Lord Mackay said the lay-dominated advisory committee would be likely to consider what happens in other countries where there was no enforced separation of the two functions .
11 WHAT HAPPENS in Foucault 's Pendulum is that three editors at a Milan publishing house , vetting manuscripts for a series of books on the occult , decide to amuse themselves by connecting up every conspiracy theory advanced by their half-baked authors and fabricating an elaborate master-plan which explains the whole of world history .
12 But does this not mean that God has to be affected by what happens in the world and that the challenges and frustrations which the world 's freedom continually presents to Him force ever new responses from Him , so that He is continually changing ?
13 What happens in many of the significant films that emerge after the war is that the claims of the community and the individual are set against each other , bringing together Ealing realism and Gainsborough melodrama in a tremendously fruitful , if brief and explosive , relationship .
14 But what happens in the Baltic , or indeed many of the smaller among the country 's 15 republics , pales into insignificance compared with how the party fares in Russia .
15 What happens in Strasbourg is not going to have much effect on the mortgage rate or inflation .
16 What happens in the stables now ? ’ he asked .
17 If this is what happens in the North now , how much worse then would things be in a united Ireland ? :
18 Let us look at what happens in the nuclear family when Mr Patient dies .
19 A programme is not just what happens in the conference hall .
20 Before going on to ask what happens in area 17 , it is worth digressing to point out that things are rather different in other vertebrates .
21 The rest will depend on what happens in the economy and that , as I say , is a mess . ’
22 And of course , there is the ‘ ENDINGS ’ section , for all the people who do n't like reading books but want to know what happens in the end . ’
23 This is what happens in France on the TDF satellites .
24 You 've got this superior idea that I 'm some sort of half-wit from the back of beyond who has n't the vaguest notion of what happens in the big , bad world .
25 Now what happens in the mantle is extremely important , because it is in the mantle that we have to look for the mechanism behind Plate Tectonics .
26 ‘ You know what happens in that yard at night when the drunks get going .
27 This is , of course , a highly abbreviated description of what happens in practice .
28 They are going to have to learn how to monitor it : how to concentrate their professional expertise on what happens in the classroom , in the interaction of teacher and taught , and how to improve it .
29 And the focus needs to be , above all , on what happens in the classroom .
30 This chapter explains what happens in some typical Homes — ones that offer good care to their residents and concern for their staff .
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