Example sentences of "what i imagine " in BNC.

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1 I make myself aware of a three-dimensional object by synthesizing what I perceive from here with what I imagine from there , of a continuing event by synthesizing what I perceive now with what I remember from past and anticipate from future viewpoints ; and in either case ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to let myself be moved from the different viewpoints , as a causally necessary condition of becoming aware from them .
2 In choosing between the goals towards which I spontaneously tend , I may find myself being excited more strongly by what I perceive here and now than by what I imagine from other viewpoints , so that for example a present amusement obliterates consciousness of a future danger .
3 The other perceives , I merely imagine ; he suffers , I merely simulate his distress by letting myself be moved by what I imagine .
4 ‘ That 's precisely what I imagine it 's like , Sonic Youth playing over a Mondays track , ’ agrees Hugo , as Sam starts espousing the virtues of ‘ Bummed ’ and how ‘ the best bands do n't know what their appeal is ’ .
5 It 's like an earthquake , or what I imagine an earthquake would be like . ’
6 Only what I imagine .
7 That 's what I imagine .
8 This relative freedom from negative reaction is what I imagine most people mean when they say they are happy in their work .
9 I do n't know that 's what I imagine .
10 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
11 The aircraft had a peculiar motion , rather like a small boat in a heavy ocean swell , or rather what I imagined that must feel like , never having been out on the open sea in a small boat .
12 I knew that the Falkland Islands were similar to Shetland in that both were a group of treeless islands in the middle of an ocean , and I wanted to see just how wild creatures — and birds in particular — had adapted as different species in what I imagined was a similar environment .
13 I could find genuine analogies between the [ Peruvian ] Indian and what I imagined the Russian muzhik to be ’ ( Ravines : 1951 , p. 13 ) .
14 Even what I imagined is n't true .
15 I think what I imagined erm Miss Whittaker and Chairman is that erm if you get the criteria right then this exceptions policy would also be an exception to I eleven , but it would have to pass this criteria .
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