Example sentences of "who worked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Primo Levi who is read by Fernanda Eberstadt is a man who is unable to write about Jews — though he does in fact write about them with great sympathy , believers and unbelievers alike — and who has no feeling for people whose background and abilities are different from his own , though the joy of Levi 's work , for other readers , is very often that he has such feelings , that he knows himself to be , while also knowing himself not to be , an ordinary man , a worker , a man who worked as an industrial chemist and who was no less of a worker when he wrote books .
2 Bourne , who worked as a driver and minder to for Heidari , was said to have admitted after his arrest that he had thrown the liquid into Michelle 's face , but had thought it was ‘ soapy water ’ .
3 The most crucial evidence of the day came from Mr Loxton , who worked as a butcher next door to the Oliver 's shop .
4 Her 20-year-old son , Michael , who worked as an engineer , also lived in the house .
5 Incidentally , the one who worked as a footman had to leave his job in order to get married to a girl who was also in service at the Duke 's place .
6 Mrs Bristow , of central London , who worked as a court reporter , fell from the third-floor as she tried to open a sash window in the press room at the court .
7 You can go on your own , and the woman I spoke to , who worked as a health visitor during the day , was very supportive .
8 Nora had bowed to the inevitable and accepted Mr Laker , a silent and sad Mancunian who worked as an inspector for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries .
9 They were taken by animal welfare worker Terry Hill , who worked as a technician at Shamrock for nearly a year .
10 Marina 's father , who worked as a hotel electrician , is Croatian .
11 I was enormously glad she had made that little speech for the mere sight of Erich — the knowledge that a man who worked as a painter in a Ford Taunus factory and was , in his own way , a type-specimen of Atlantic man , with no known connections with the new Ocean , had somehow fetched up on a remote Pacific island — was disturbing the entire thesis I wished to construct .
12 This evening , his lift was Mike Vinson who worked as an electrician for a firm in Woodborough and ran the Loxford cricket team .
13 Close to the President for most of the New Deal years was Harry Hopkins who worked as Federal relief administrator .
14 Eager to enrich the treasury the Crown began a rapid development of these resources , settling the area with peasants who worked as a serf proletariat and maintained farms to feed themselves .
15 McIlvanney says that Stein , who worked as a miner until he was 27 , ‘ understood that having a talent for sport can be a matter of luck , not merit .
16 The second story came from Branson himself , and arose from a tip-off from a journalist named Carla Dobson who worked as the assistant to the Daily Mail gossip-columnist Nigel Dempster .
17 The woman , who worked as a waitress in the sergeant 's mess , told Ingrid all she knew about the compound , and advised her to steer clear of the cookhouse .
18 Louise , who worked as a nurse , was not able to come that afternoon , she remembered .
19 Taxi George , a likeable Iraqi Chaldean Christian who worked as an interrogator for the Cypriot National Police Narcotics Squad , was another key informant .
20 Huy wondered whether that eldest daughter , who worked as Reni 's secretary , had helped him destroy the documents he drew up during Akhenaten 's reign , which would have given such priceless ammunition to his enemies , before turning his attention to the newcomers .
21 Malcolm , who worked as the ‘ Hyster Driver ’ in the warehouse , is shown shaking hands with Alec Shaw ( right ) , Warehouse Manager , together with many friends who gathered to wish him farewell .
22 Most householders were probably employees rather than employers , men who worked as journeymen or casual labourers .
23 Of their six sons , only three Jean ( married to Marguerite Delalande ) , Nicolas ( married to Anne Mauger ) and Louis ( married to Marie Mauger ) continued the Hotteterre line and had sons who worked as instrument makers in Paris .
24 That agreement made it clear that the defendant was employed as a milkman and that the intention of the clause was to afford the employer protection only against the activities of an employee who worked as a milkman once his employment ended .
25 Richard Miles , 29 years old , who worked as a panel beater , was found dead in parents ' garden .
26 Newspaper reporters gathered at Low Spennymoor eager for any information about May , who worked as a wire cutter at a nearby factory .
27 Mr Kovac , who worked as a banker until Czechoslovakia 's 1989 ‘ velvet revolution ’ against communism , yesterday polled 16 more votes than needed .
28 Smith , an ex-army nurse who worked as a counsellor for homosexual soldiers , claimed in his appeal that he was the victim of a miscarriage of justice .
29 Once Oxford University Press had accepted The Allegory of Love for publication , it was sent to Charles Williams , who worked on their editorial desk in London .
30 He had little formal education , but his Christian conviction ideally qualified him to be apprentice to the Reverend Arthur Hird , who worked on Hodder 's religious publishing .
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