Example sentences of "who called the " in BNC.

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1 Similar expressions of grief and outrage were made by Jewish organisations around the world , as well as by the European Commission and the Belgian Prime Minister , Wilfried Martens , who called the act ‘ revolting and wretched ’ .
2 It amounted to a coded acknowledgement of the barely-supressed rage of Conservative MPs , mostly on the right , whose concern over a fresh wave of ‘ large-scale immigration ’ hitting overcrowded facilities in Britain was clothed yesterday in language close to that of Mr Gerald Kaufman , the shadow Foreign Secretary , who called the plan ‘ inherently unworkable , invidious and divisive ’ , and demanded details on how it would work .
3 But Labour 's ranks still embrace Bernie Grant , of Tottenham , who called the party ‘ white fascists ’ , and Paul Boateng , once the GLC 's notorious anti-police campaigner , now a Treasury spokesman .
4 Garrett ( 1986 ) quotes Hocking who called the syndrome ‘ miscare ’ and considers that many families begin their caring commitment with genuine concern and sympathy but become overwhelmed by the task , so the relationship sours , resulting in harm to the old person .
5 Why … you mean … the man who called the other day might not have been his brother after all ? ’
6 She radioed down to her senior keeper who called the vet .
7 It was he , writing in the issue of 15 September 1941 , who called the thirties the ‘ Pink Decade ’ , which has n't really stuck , though it seems that he coined the term ‘ Greeneland ’ to define the peculiar territory of Graham Greene 's fiction .
8 Fortunately , my yells had already alerted the neighbours , who called the police on my behalf .
9 It was the businessmen , not the lords , who called the tune when the industrial system began .
10 , who called the upcoming meeting with the Concorde group as soon as the results were published , reacted angrily to UK press criticism that previous US AZT trials had been rushed , pointing out that the trials were curtailed only because regulators judged , once AZT appeared to be inhibiting AIDS , that their continuation was unfair to patients on the placebo side of the trial .
11 Elijah and Elisha and the emergence of a line of prophets who called the nation back to their covenant-agreement with God ;
12 It was Dubois , however , who called the Doctor 's attention to a small ante-chamber in which several grotesque fish and toads were hung on hooks beside dried roots .
13 IN HIS gleeful excoriation of The British Academy of Cricket Manual for Gentlemen and Players in the January WCM , Mark Browning echoes the sentiments of your esteemed Editor , who called the book ‘ … the greatest , the most conspicuous and distinctly unrepeatable load of garbage ever dumped on the cluttered book-market ’ ( WCM Aug 1988 ) , and both reviewers queried the sanity of any reader curious or gullible enough to read it in its entirety .
14 A good example of this was Einstein , who called the cosmological constant , which he introduced when he was trying to make a static model of the universe , the biggest mistake of his life .
15 His package received support from opposition leaders , including Volodymir Shcherbyna , chairman of Nova Ukraina ( New Ukraine ) , and Vyacheslav Chornovil , the co-chairman of Rukh , who called the proposals " well timed . "
16 I can say that er that gentleman has been misled by his lawyers who called the arrangement
17 who called the arrangement a clean break .
18 It may not be chance that the Liber Historiae Francorum names the emperor who called the followers of Priam Franks as Valentinian .
19 The alarm was raised by the boy 's friends who called the fire brigade .
20 A neighbour saw what happened and notified the car 's owner who called the police .
21 A CHRISTMAS Day burglary was foiled by a passer-by who called the police and then followed the suspects into an alleyway , a court heard yesterday .
22 The five unions who called the indefinite strike said up to 80 per cent of postal workers stayed away from work in some areas .
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