Example sentences of "who lost her " in BNC.

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1 Mr Yossi Sarid , of the leftwing opposition Citizens Rights Movement , quoted from the lyrics : ‘ Do n't tell me about the girl who lost her eye .
2 Do n't tell me about the girl who lost her childhood . ’
3 An electricity generating company in California sued a laboratory which failed to properly document its analysis ; the company was trying to recover from the laboratory the costs of settling a suit for unfair dismissal brought by an employee who lost her job because of the test .
4 ‘ To me , nothing helps ’ , said Ms Marina De Larracoechea , from New York , who lost her sister , Nieves , a stewardess , in the disaster .
5 Lynda Chalker , Overseas Development Minister , who lost her Wallasey seat , is to be made a baroness and retains her post .
6 Mrs Chalker , who lost her seat at the general election , faced giving up her job as Minister of the Overseas Development Administration and Britain 's leading representative at the European Bank , leaving a gap in the British team but will continue in her post from the House of Lords .
7 Mrs Lynda Chalker , who lost her Wallasey seat to Labour , said yesterday she was delighted that she would remain Overseas Development Minister .
8 But one of the daughters was sleeping in with Mum at night — but she 's upped and offed — that 's the daughter who lost her husband .
9 high up Loughrigg side where dwells the good woman who lost her two children in the flood last winter .
10 Mo agreed that even politicians could not please everybody and moved to talk to 31-year-old Sandra Gordon-Morgan , a part-time dressmaking teacher who lost her job when the local authority cut its adult education budget .
11 However , the reverse of this experience was reported to me by a woman who lost her lover in a drowning accident .
12 IRENE Aldis , who lost her wedding ring in 1932 , got it back for her 102nd birthday after it was found in a field at Honingham , Norfolk .
13 Virginia 's doctor , a self-important little man , had a patient once who lost her memory after the shock of seeing her husband fall to his death over a cliff .
14 As one woman who lost her job in 1921 recalled :
15 She thought again of the clever pastry-cook who baked her man to her liking , and of La Carmellina , who lost her true love when he climbed a cherry tree into the clouds and found himself in the lair of the sorceress Zenaida — Zenaida , who had been robbed of sleep by the curse of another fairy , and had stolen Carmellina 's love away and changed him into a songbird .
16 On inner pages , there were tributes from friends and relatives to ‘ Clare Mallender , the beautiful and talented girl who lost her life in an explosion meant for her employer … . ’
17 The one who lost her husband .
18 Teresa Darrell is a most unhappy creature who lost her young husband shortly after their honeymoon , and I am one of the few people left who can remember and mourn him . ’
19 Benjamin and I had been entertaining the group with a French madrigal , my deep bass a smooth foil to my master 's well-modulated tenor : a stupid little song about a maid who lost her wealth and her virtue in the great city .
20 A WOMAN who lost her husband and two small sons in a fire earlier this year has had an attempted break-in at her new home .
21 A MOTHER who lost her twin daughters has set up a counselling agency to help bereaved families .
22 While Harriet Harman who lost her seat on the shadow cabinet and has been strongly criticized for he commons performances over the past year , keeps hers .
23 BEREAVED parents Roy and Linda Grainger are to set up a support group as a tribute to their little girl who lost her battle against brain cancer .
24 BEREAVED parents Roy and Linda Grainger are to set up a brain tumour association as a tribute to their little girl who lost her battle against cancer .
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