Example sentences of "who [was/were] talk " in BNC.

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1 He glanced back secretively over his shoulder at the other three who were talking and paying no attention to him .
2 He nodded and walked towards the shop past three women who were talking outside .
3 She was among a group of three or four fine does who were talking quietly together and seemed to be feeding as well .
4 Edward laughed politely , slid from Carnaby 's grip and edged towards the group by the window , who were talking about hedges in tones of some desperation .
5 The er , that kind of thing is never published , and or even , of course , it ca n't be published normally , and the result is that when analysts draw conclusions based on this very confidential data , or who were talking vastly extent .
6 They know the people who were talking ?
7 Privilege elides into Freedom , libertas into libertates again ; the practical sense depended on who was talking to whom about what , and in which circumstances .
8 We 'd make a fortune as factotums ! ’ laughed Breeze , who was talking at random to keep her sister 's thoughts from turning towards melancholy things .
9 A detective-constable who was talking to me later told me that it 's one of the Whistler 's trademarks .
10 The police had arrived now in the shape of a wpc who was talking amiably to the protesters who moved back a little apparently in response to her request .
11 He turned to Brian Harley who was talking to Jefferson .
12 Carrie got up and kissed her father before she left the ward , followed by her husband who was talking to Nellie .
13 Jeremy : The person who was talking in the story was trying things out and playing things .
14 Two of the Bernard brothers first saw her seated at a bar drinking , whilst apparently listening to her male companion who was talking to her , quietly and seriously and in an unobtrusive manner .
15 He looked over my shoulder at Mr Saleb who was talking to a colleague in the corner .
16 But suddenly it seemed to become very angry with the English visitor , who was talking to it .
17 They turned back to Major Braithwaite who was talking to Julia with what , in so staid a man , was approaching animation .
18 ‘ Johnson 's another one with his nose in the trough , ’ said the woman , who was talking to Alan .
19 It was ‘ obvious ’ to the speaker in the film version of Howard 's End ( who was talking about ‘ Meaning in Music ’ ) that Beethoven was depicting Goblins in the third movement of his Fifth Symphony .
20 What he 's talking about and this is the same erm same councillor who was talking about living harmoniously side by side those that have are are buying them , those that are renting them but what he 's actually saying is well I 'm actually very , very sorry but if you have n't a job , if you have n't an income or you 're income is so low , just go over there and stay away from us decent chaps with lots of cash .
21 Ashley 's gaze went to Vitor , who was talking to guests .
22 He beckoned to a tall , good-looking , fair-haired man in his late twenties , who was talking to Helen .
23 The nurse who was talking me through was wonderful , very very comforting , and by the time the next morning came around I was fine .
24 Who was talking of going to work for a different firm then ?
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