Example sentences of "her words [be] " in BNC.

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1 Zsuzsa , the eldest , is effortlessly fluent in English ; although her words are outgoing there is a certain watchfulness in her manner .
2 Her words are a celebration of the miracle of birth .
3 She murmurs , but her words are indistinct .
4 Her accent is gentler than the others , and her words are clipped as though she was schooled in England as child , though I know she was n't .
5 The implication of her words was obvious , but it would have been wiser of her to have left them unspoken .
6 She knew that her voice was slow and her words were spaced .
7 Her words were carried away on the breeze , to join the tumult of sounds .
8 Joan flushed with pleasure but her words were guarded .
9 Her words were lost in the sound of grinding gears , and the car leaped away from the sidewalk , knocking Mrs Frizzell 's hat askew and leaving her mouthing furiously at nobody .
10 Her head was bent and her words were hardly audible above the noise of the traffic as she said , ‘ What 's the good in loving someone you … you can never have ? ’
11 Her words were scarcely audible .
12 She sat down and began to pour out the tea and , her voice still quiet , she went on , ‘ I do n't suppose it 's really so bad for you , instructing or teaching , whatever it is you do , but in the Naafi , amidst the clatter — ’ she now looked at him and her words were spaced as she went on , ‘ and the chaff and the ribbing ; well , I sometimes think I have died and gone to hell , because that 's what I think hell must be like ; constant joking , especially when you hear the same thing repeated over and over again . ’
13 He was staring at her , amazed at the reaction her words were having on him ; it was , in a way , as if she were suffering an agony similar to his own .
14 Just 50 yards away her words were echoed by Roy Rice , manager of the recession-hit Churchill shopping centre .
15 Her words were an implied criticism and he read her well .
16 But her words were Jean-Claude 's and he wanted me to think his thoughts .
17 Her words were written down by recorders , whom she sometimes exhorted to write faster to keep pace with her .
18 Two small whiskies and her words were unguarded .
19 Her words were partly lost in Barbara Coleman 's wild cry .
20 Just as her words were out one of the charity women came chattering in through the open doors to the terrace .
21 Too late Polly realised that her words were open to a very different interpretation from the one she intended , and her heart sank as the woman 's face creased into a hard-edged cynical smile .
22 Jessamy knew her words were cruel , but she felt as if she had been pushed very near to her limit .
23 Penny Warlock , twenty-three , pretty and serious-minded , believed in God , and her words were not random aspirations .
24 Her words were enveloped by his swooping mouth again , covering hers .
25 Her words were brisk , like the beak of a bird , and nasal .
26 ‘ Starving , ’ she murmured , meeting his intense gaze , knowing her words were dangerous , exciting , heavy with sensuous meaning .
27 Robyn saw for the first time that Melissa was a little drunk ; her eyes had that bright , fixed look , and her words were pronounced with the extra care of someone who had consumed rather too much alcohol .
28 Her words were barely audible , so light that they threatened to float away on the breeze .
29 Her words were lost in a fit of coughing , and at once he dragged her to her feet , supporting her across Water Gypsy 's gangplank .
30 But her words were cut off , his mouth capturing hers , denying its freedom of speech .
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