Example sentences of "make [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 Dennis 's last years as general secretary at the BMC — already personally unhappy for him because of his divorce — were made professionally difficult by the unprincipled , sustained and often personal vendetta conducted against him by the man termed , in this book 's account of the period , as ‘ the BMC 's tame Rottweiler ’ .
2 Should be made less difficult
3 Essentially , this relates to risk assessment but it is made especially difficult because genetic engineering affects so many regulatory bodies , including those concerned with public health as well as the environment .
4 This task was made especially difficult because Coleridge was a voluminous reader but he was aided by the fact that almost everything that Coleridge had read was recorded in a notebook .
5 This question is made somewhat difficult to answer because one of the effects of the emphasis on the facts and merits of the particular case in Fleet Street Casuals is that the issue of standing now often receives little or no attention from the courts and is sometimes the subject of concessions by the respondent .
6 But things are not always made so difficult for vegetarians .
7 The listing of pubs is made more difficult by the fact that they have almost always been altered .
8 The exercise can be made more difficult by placing a weight across the thighs .
9 Choosing between Shellac and Splendid Career is made more difficult by the draw , as both colts will run up the stands rails from low numbers .
10 There is growing unease among members of the Cabinet at the way in which Mr Lawson 's task is being made more difficult by the Prime Minister .
11 Closed-shop arrangements would be made more difficult and secondary picketing outlawed , to avoid the kind of violence that had disfigured the Grunwick dispute .
12 God particularly favoured the Scots ; and as it was a Protestant God who did so , the position of a Catholic queen was inevitably made more difficult .
13 This is made more difficult by the almost complete anonymity of the modern laboratory .
14 At the same time , we are concerned that police investigations should not be made more difficult by the misuse of certain rights .
15 Their deeper action over and above that of repeated low potency centesimals seems plain and although I have no evidence I feel that high centesimals would probably have aggravated and made more difficult the roundabout route which we followed .
16 For the archaic empires , this entailed attempts to create modern States in the supposed image of those of Western Europe — a task that was made more difficult by the accelerating technical advance of the West Europeans .
17 The problem is made more difficult by the expense of education and the long pay-off time involved .
18 Odour control is made more difficult due to :
19 This comparison was made more difficult by the existence of two organisations with a number of disparate functions , each using similar information but stored and utilised in different ways .
20 The job is made more difficult now because of self-sealing materials and the use of helium .
21 The preparation of memoirs was made more difficult by the transfer or resignation of men resulting in the loss of their unique knowledge of their mapping areas .
22 I am employed here as a nurse in the premature baby intensive care unit and I 'm certainly kept very busy , the work often made more difficult but challenging in that I work alongside people from around 30 different countries .
23 Then Leicester 's task was made more difficult when skipper Steve Walsh was dismissed for elbowing Carl Leaburn in an off-the-ball incident which left the Charlton striker needing treatment .
24 The task is made more difficult , if not impossible , by the ant-lion .
25 The adjustment of female workers to their jobs is often made more difficult by the peculiar problems of the employed woman who must divide her interests and attention between the working world and her traditional role as a woman .
26 In Perishable Goods , Jonah Mansel 's restraint in concealing his love for Adèle , wife of Boy Pleydell , is made more difficult when the villain Rose Noble uses stolen letters to force Mansel into submission .
27 Dissatisfaction with this position led to the establishment of a Royal Commission in 1923 and after it reported in 1925 it was made more difficult to achieve county borough status .
28 It requires Japan to demonstrate a genuine concern for the interests of her Asian neighbours which was conspicuously absent fifty years ago and which is made more difficult by Japan 's long-standing sense of separateness and uniqueness .
29 This was complicated but not necessarily made more difficult by a summer and early autumn dominated by the build-up of the dispute between Italy and Abyssinia , the first issue since 1918 to make the threat of European war vivid to the British people .
30 Your job , however , is made more difficult by the sheer number of the companies from which to choose .
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