Example sentences of "which sometimes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Each of these measures was confined to a single area of policy , dispute over which sometimes crossed party political lines , as with the abolition of capital punishment and the legislation to enable the prosecution of a handful of elderly men against whom there might be evidence of war crimes committed half a century earlier outside the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom courts .
2 But they may be more dangerous there , because of the great bulk of official paper which sometimes supplies tempting shortcuts .
3 The barbels are long and are a great temptation to other fish which sometimes pick at them and damage them , P. pictus Is sensitive to poor water conditions and this often manifests itself in the degeneration of the barbels and the membrane between the fin rays .
4 But his labours were interrupted by frequent migraines , which sometimes lasted as long as three days , during which he would lie in darkness on the floor of his room , eat nothing , and demand silence from the rest of us .
5 He suggests that this maladaptive strategy helps to explain the traumatic neuroses which sometimes follow events like bereavement , and which can be contrasted with successful adjustment in which the individual works through grief triggered by indirect reminders and gradually progresses to being able to respond to stronger reminders of the deceased .
6 Hardly less damaging for the Church was clerical incontinency , which sometimes led to the son succeeding the father in a benefice or parish , as reported in the diocese of Worcester at this time , " so dishonouring ecclesiastical dignity and the canon law " .
7 His success depended , as so often happens in research , on entirely fortuitous events , of the kind which sometimes contribute as much as careful planning to the attainment of desired objectives .
8 Julian 's solution does not make rational sense , but it does reverberate emotionally with an important dimension of the Christian religion of love , which sometimes gets lost in the more cerebral doctrinal formulations of the faith .
9 Or even worse they may be misdescribed as vestigial bequests from our primate ancestry — yet another example of the naive reductionism which sometimes passes as orthodox science .
10 ( g ) The notes are also useful for the preparation of any report on title that may be required for your client 's bank , building society or other mortgagee , the form of which sometimes requires you to state the last purchase price , etc. ( h ) Your notes on title will help you deal with any possible requisitions by the Land Registry and will also indicate at a glance deeds containing restrictive covenants , easements or plans , which should be retained after registration as giving fuller information and exact wording on matters of possible dispute .
11 The ‘ Fabian Quarterly ’ , making the same point , added that it was ‘ pleasantly free from that form of local megalomania which sometimes mars otherwise praiseworthy local efforts ’ .
12 But the celebration of the Friend , which sometimes takes the form of an apparent self-abasement by the Poet , has not been to everyone 's liking .
13 However , it is thought that that can cause imperfections in the glass which sometimes cause it to explode without warning .
14 Where the great rivers of molten lava had flowed in the distant past was now a jumbled mass of solidified rock-like structures which sometimes stretched for many kilometres .
15 Another concept which sometimes falls to be analysed in such all or nothing fashion is ‘ dishonesty ’ as it impinges upon the definition of theft and a cluster of deception offences under the Theft Acts .
16 The only small quibbles I have are the shape of the zip pullers , which sometimes dig into hips when a rucksack 's carried , the lack of a horizontal chest pocket to take a map ( very useful when navigating in poor weather ) and a wired hood , which would stop it falling over the eyes at inconvenient moments .
17 Finally , although they sanctioned images in churches , prayers for the dead , and the veneration of saints , the Ten Articles included a warning about the superstitious beliefs which sometimes lay behind them .
18 On special occasions L.O.R. trains ran through to Southport , although the voltage on this line was 600 D.C. which sometimes caused problems .
19 Full-length games are edited down to show the highlights in a way which sometimes irritates the purist .
20 Since Plato ( dreamed that he ) saw Socrates most days , and this was among the most vivid and consistent of all his experiences ( dreams ? ) , and since Socrates said things which he , Plato , had not thought of before and which sometimes surprised him , Plato found it most consistent and convenient to ’ believe ’ that Socrates really did exist .
21 They swam like long rubbery strip-lights through the water 's gentle currents , and kept the rooms , corridors and towers of the castle bathed in a silky , pervasive light which sometimes made distances hard to measure and gave the air a thick sort of look .
22 He was not tall , close to minimum height in fact , but he was stocky , and he made up for lack of inches with a pressing , high-speed manner which sometimes made people think he was all noise and movement and no intelligence .
23 This simple account of cattle-raiding followed by an expedition to punish the thieves explains the situation on frontiers all over the world , and of course these punitive expeditions ( which sometimes took the form of pre-emptive strikes by people who wanted to get their retaliation in first ) were carried out without consulting any central government .
24 The ruler continued to enjoy , unless he were unusually vicious or unlucky , a respect which sometimes verged on worship .
25 which sometimes does fluctuate , not always .
26 Cos if he gets rid of them first then he does n't have to worry about those things until er later which sometimes does happen .
27 Wetlands under threat have included a variety of landscapes : swamps of tall reed or reed sweet-grass ; marshes of rush and sedge , which sometimes develop into scrub of willow and bog myrtle ; fens , whose lush vegetation is nourished by alkaline groundwater , and which range from open pools , often the remains of peat cutting , to grazed beds of meadowsweet and iris , grading in turn to the wet woodlands known as alder ‘ carr ’ ; mires , such as the mosses of the North-West , whose deep peatlands support sphagnum moss and heather , scattered with glades of birch , the favourite haunt of nightjars .
28 Roman sculptors appear to have made use of only a few set measuring points , which sometimes survive , raised off the surface like pimples .
29 There are the more frankly pathological behaviours — the effect of organic deterioration in the brain which sometimes results in sexual disinhibition .
30 And finally , several collections of pellets from corvids and gulls , which sometimes eat small mammals , were investigated , but in general these were found not to contain small mammal bones .
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