Example sentences of "which also contains " in BNC.

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1 A good general introduction to the subject is A Social History of England by Asa Briggs ( Pelican Books 1987 ) , which also contains an excellent forty-page bibliography .
2 Beside the Diamond is a smaller hall known as the Octagon , an excellent venue for chamber music , which also contains a purpose-built exhibition area for the visual arts .
3 Beside the Diamond is a smaller hall known as the Octagon , an excellent venue for chamber music , which also contains a purpose-built exhibition area for the visual arts .
4 A quarter of the Japanese population , some 30 million people , live in the most exposed area which also contains not only the vast bulk of the business community but also an alarming quantity of chemical plants .
5 They belong to the family Monodactylidae which also contains two species of Schuettea and one species of Psettias .
6 The national curriculum proposals form the first part of the Education Reform Bill , which also contains proposals in relation to open enrolments , financial delegation to schools , the establishment of grant maintained schools and various proposals for higher education .
7 It contains the lipid kinases necessary to phosphorylate PtdIns to both PtdIns(4)P and PtdIns(4,5)P 2 , which are present both in the nuclear membrane and within the nuclear matrix , which also contains PLC- β .
8 Beta and Gamma Crucis point to Delta Centauri , the centre of a fine binocular field which also contains Rho ( 4.0 ) .
9 There are some very interesting comments and ideas about encouraging pupils to become competent proof-readers , in Nancy Martin 's Here , Now and Beyond ( Oxford English Source Books , Oxford University Press 1968 ) which also contains notes on spelling .
10 The unfortunate animal in question is incarcerated in a closed box which also contains a radioactive atom with a 50-50 chance of decaying in the next hour , emitting a y-ray in the process .
11 Most of the papers referred to in the present chapter are collected in Pappas and Swain ( 1978 ) , which also contains an analytical introduction to the area .
12 The tentacles of the Corallimorphia are always in multiples of six , putting them into the taxonomic subclass Hexacorallia which also contains sea anemones , hard corals and zoanthids .
13 The green colour of the leaf is due to a substance called chlorophyll which also contains the pigment phytochrome .
14 The ‘ principle Against Doubtful penalisation ’ is also in this division although other presumptions are discussed in Division five which also contains an interesting treatment of purposive construction which the author regards as a modernized form of the mischief rule .
15 system is constantly being updated and is available on-line across the University 's own computer network as well as via JANET and the national and international networks ; the Main Library 's older guard-book catalogue , which also contains many entries for material in the Faculty Libraries , is available on microfiche .
16 Manuscripts containing single Anglo-Norman fabliaux are Bodleian Library , Oxford , MS Digby 86 , with a version of Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , a manuscript which also contains our one Middle English fabliau found outside of Chaucer 's works , Dame Sirith , and Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS 50 , with a fabliau , Un Chevalier , sa dame et un clerc , " A knight , his lady and a clerk " , a variant of the story found in La Bourgeoise d'Orliens .
17 Mind or memory is that total creative capacity for consciousness , which also contains that which is below the level of immediate recognition — man 's full potential for knowledge , which is like God himself It is the theatre of human integrity which involves the other two faculties , " resoun " and " will " .
18 PROTOKOL comes in the form of a ROM chip and operates with a number of programs on a master disk which also contains datafiles .
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