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1 Its LEA has been a forceful innovator of LMS which has allowed some early decisions to be taken and the results monitored and evaluated .
2 Gooch , manager Keith Fletcher and England chairman Ted Dexter all praised the Whittingdale sponsorship which has allowed them to gather together for two days in each of the last six weeks .
3 My mother insisted on my being one of his godfathers , a unique responsibility which has allowed me to offer him some tactful advice from time to time .
4 David Lloyd clubs , all 7 of them — and more to come — are building their reputation on quality of service , something which has allowed him the entrepreneurial satisfaction of seeing his company expand , when others around him are failing , victims of all the British recession .
5 Perhaps it is hindsight which has allowed us to understand fully the sheer technique that went into Bogart 's acting but many people at Warners could see Mayo 's point that he was just the type of actor needed to breathe life into the kind of story that the writers were making into a speciality .
6 Arguably , what has occurred is a reinterpretation of the traditional partnership between central government , LEAs and schools which has allowed central government , on the basis of its ‘ accountability to parliament for the performance of the educational service at all levels ’ , progressively to nudge LEAs into a fuller appreciation of their curricular responsibilities and , through that , to influence the schools .
7 In this journey , in which we are all engaged , it is photography which has allowed him to achieve something for the first time without struggling — given him a means of craft and communication which feels right and matches his natural capacities as well as being able to respond to his intuition .
8 In Western Europe it has been , as usual , the collapse of larger hopes and aspirations as well as the crisis of macro-national state power , real or apparent , which has allowed nationalism to fill the void in the souls of intellectuals and militants .
9 Simmel emphasizes the paradoxical nature of culture , recognizing the essentially positive process of modernity which has allowed for hitherto unimaginable possibilities ; but he is wary of the forces which lead towards reification and autonomy , both of which are inimical to human interests .
10 This has brought about a sharing of information which has allowed a confidence to develop in relation to the long-term outcomes of this way of working with people to achieve particular aims .
11 In this journey , in which we are all engaged , it is photography which has allowed him to achieve something for the first time without struggling — given him a means of craft and communication which feels right and matches his natural capacities as well as being able to respond to his intuition .
12 Functional pressure-group activity has also increased , which has allowed the state to bypass legislatures and which will eventually lead to the creation of corporate state structures dominated by the monopolies .
13 That she has a personal panel of instructors is something which has allowed her to escape with fewer hours on the practice ground than most .
14 Thus , while a Luxembourger , an Irishman , a Dutchman or a Belgian may see a European superstate as giving them a much larger stage on which to perform and one that would cost them nothing in sovereignty since what they have is already so diluted , to us it would mean the end of that independence which has allowed us to play a unique and continuing role in world affairs and to have this Gracious Speech setting out our parliamentary programme .
15 This brain itself , however , is a form of adaptation which has allowed human beings to become the dominant species .
16 Our data describe a technique which has allowed detailed study of the proliferation compartment of human gastric mucosa , about which little has been published .
17 Other countries singled out for criticism included Turkey , which fails to prevent the illegal slaughter of huge numbers of dolphins and porpoises in the Black Sea , and Canada , which has allowed the beluga , or white whale , to be hunted to a point near extinction .
18 The report says that the company 's failure is " due quite simply to the overvaluation of the project , which has allowed some vultures to enrich themselves immeasurably at Congo 's expense . "
19 The profits that were generated were ploughed back in investment in staff and technology , a philosophy that has been maintained and which has allowed PRCS to become twice as big as any of its competitors , an achievement which speaks for itself .
20 In the following years , scientists discovered the biochemical codings by which cells produced proteins and exactly replicated themselves ( the information ‘ packets ’ in DNA ) , and the mechanisms of random mutation which had allowed life to evolve to its present complexity and variety .
21 The last vestige of corporal punishment was eradicated by repealing Section 18 of the Prison Act 1952 , which had allowed the infliction of corporal punishment in prison service establishments .
22 and Otton J. ) affirmed his acquittal by the Crown Court ( which had allowed an appeal against conviction by justices ) on the ground that the defendant , when required to give blood , had raised an objection capable of amounting to a medical reason why blood should not be taken and that this could only be determined by a medical practitioner .
23 She congratulated herself on the enterprise and initiative which had allowed her to cheat Rose Cottage , to outwit ‘ Time ’ , if only for the day .
24 In the course of visits to Prague , the Czechoslavakian capital , and Bratislava by French President François Mitterrand on Sept. 13-14 and by United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Sept. 16-18 , both leaders expressed their countries ' regret at having signed the 1938 Munich agreement , which had allowed Nazi Germany to dismember Czechoslovakia .
25 The banking reforms would end " pass through " coverage , which had allowed banks to raise large sums from institutional investors on a fully insured basis , and would eliminate brokered insured deposits , which had allowed brokers to deposit funds of up to $100,000 on behalf of wealthy clients in a variety of banks to be used for secured investment at no personal risk .
26 The banking reforms would end " pass through " coverage , which had allowed banks to raise large sums from institutional investors on a fully insured basis , and would eliminate brokered insured deposits , which had allowed brokers to deposit funds of up to $100,000 on behalf of wealthy clients in a variety of banks to be used for secured investment at no personal risk .
27 Experts believed that the death toll could have been much higher but for the recently installed early warning system which had allowed time for many people to move to safety or to use the 300 concrete cyclone shelters built under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme , run mainly by the Bangladesh Red Crescent .
28 Furthermore , on May 3 , 1991 , the Federal Banking Commission announced that it was abolishing so-called " form B " accounts which had allowed clients to preserve anonymity by conducting their transactions through a lawyer , notary or trust administrator .
29 Taking effect from Nov. 18 , the reforms included ( i ) a 331/3 per cent devaluation of the currency , with an initial base exchange rate of 90 new kwanzas to the United States dollar ; ( ii ) a reduction in personal income tax , taking the top rate from 40 per cent of earned income to 15 per cent ; ( iii ) reduced consumer taxes ; ( iv ) the lifting of price ceilings on all commodities except soap , cooking oil , rice , sugar and baby milk ; ( v ) a new salary scale for public-sector workers , to compensate for the withdrawal of ration cards which had allowed them to buy goods at low prices ; and ( vi ) a minimum national salary of 12,000 kwanzas .
30 Roe v. Wade had already been weakened by the 1989 Webster v. Reproductive Services ruling [ see pp. 36809-10 ] , which had allowed individual states greater latitude in restricting access to abortion .
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