Example sentences of "if [pron] himself " in BNC.

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1 The officer with the harsh voice was advising him that the money would be ‘ charged to the Lord Advocate 's account ’ if he himself could not ‘ procure the funds ’ .
2 He was entitled , I supposed , to his small exploratory excursion around my character ; and if he himself , I thought , had been wholly fulfilled by uniform , he would still be in it .
3 There he stood before the official inquiry in his crisp , bemedalled marine uniform , his voice breaking with emotion as he lectured the assembled politicians on what was in the nation 's interests as if he himself had just invented patriotism .
4 I asked him instead if he himself had talked to any of the owners ' party .
5 Another ordinance allowed a magistrate to try summarily cases which he would normally commit to the district court , if he himself was also the district judge .
6 Firstly , women can only receive a pension based on their husband 's contributions if he himself is in receipt of a basic pension .
7 A complementarity between scientific and theological interpretation was still possible , even if he himself preferred to remain agnostic .
8 ‘ Trade knows no gentlemen , ’ her father replied loftily , as if he himself was an important landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm .
9 This must be why Parliament saw as necessary the duality of the parole system : without the advice and recommendation of a body capable of assessing the risk of early release the Secretary of State was not to act : but , having received such advice and recommendation , he was to authorise early release only if he himself was satisfied that it was in the public interest that he should .
10 Ellwood shrugged , grinning , as if he himself might fill the role .
11 Thus where the buyer commits an anticipatory repudiation which the seller fails to accept as terminating the contract , the seller will be liable if he himself subsequently fails to perform the contract .
12 Alternatively , it might be greater if for example the price in Q's contract was £106 or if he himself is liable to Q for breach of contract .
13 She wondered if he himself had survived it .
14 If he himself has not paid for them then the person who sold him the goods will be able to sue him for the price but will have lost any chance of recovering the goods .
15 But it 's as if I 'd never borne her , it 's as if he himself had given birth to her .
16 as if he himself could n't take it .
17 It held that s.47 could be committed indirectly : " A defendant who pours a dangerous substance into a machine just as truly assaults the next user of the machine as if he himself switched the machine on . "
18 He stands in the hall , shaking his head , as if he himself is a Rottweiler that crashed through some glass .
19 Although forewarned that he was deliberately ‘ being nice ’ to her , she could , totally out of character , have counted the world well lost and ended up in his bed if he himself had n't called a halt by way of retaliation .
20 We 'll have someone whose liberty others will be glad to buy with Harry 's , if he himself will not — we 'll have the old wolf himself , Ralf Isambard and no other . ’
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