Example sentences of "their need [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who wish to receive an intervention , having considered the probability of a particular outcome , will translate their need into a demand for care .
2 But it was evident that an argument was taking place between the adults , possibly as to whether their need of a refrigerator was greater than their desire for a mammoth room heater .
3 Something in their need of her pulled her back from the seductive slide into oblivion .
4 ‘ How blest are those who know their need of God , ’ Jesus exclaims in the Sermon on the Mount , and as he opened the door to the kingdom of heaven his listeners must have gasped .
5 The point is not that some have been forgiven a greater number of sins than others or that some are ‘ worse sinners ’ than others but that some see their need of forgiveness and others do not .
6 Those who recognise their need of God will be brought to new life .
7 Jesus said he came not for such ‘ virtuous ’ people but to give hope to those who were aware of their need of God .
8 One can imagine their need of concentration with the family trying to keep warm round a peat fire in a dark room , reading by the light of a flickering homemade candle or smoky paraffin lamp but perhaps it was easier than trying to compete with a noisy television set a century later .
9 And frequently women would express to me their need to be pregnant again .
10 The major point which I want to take from this discussion of young people 's situation is that their need to be supported economically by their parents , and more generally their position in structures of reciprocal support within families , to a large extent depend upon factors outside the control of individual families : laws relating to schooling and employment , and the operation of the labour market .
11 Even then , though , firms would have to balance the advantages of a central location against those of decentralization : some clothing firms , for instance , could not leave London because of their need to be near the fashion market .
12 The leaders become very skilled at giving their followers a range of ‘ fixes ’ to meet their need to be valued , but also their need to have someone to hate .
13 The common message , from many of the women or members of ethnic communities we spoke to , was , their need to be seen on the television screen or heard on the radio .
14 Their need for thick-lensed ‘ John Lennon ’ spectacles implies they are physically imperfect as they slouch or lean against props ; for these lazy , untidy creatures have techniques of the body which reveal major structuring principles of police thinking .
15 The premise on which the donors worked was that large amounts of capital could be absorbed by small African countries because their need for productive investment was demonstrably high .
16 It would be much more constructive for a consortium of donors to sit down with governments and review their need for aid finance over , say , the next three-year period .
17 Hence their need for a human companion to placate the natives on their arrival .
18 Their need for live practice has since seen them support The Paris Angels and Northside , though they admit they 'd be better or suited to a dance crowd .
19 Mercifully the number of people who suffer to this extent is small and their need for help is usually recognized by those with whom they come into contact .
20 Horses out riding can show their intolerance for the same daily routine and their need for excitement .
21 * Horses will usually stand better for the farrier if they have been exercised beforehand , and have already satisfied their need for exercise .
22 Family farms were just as prone to emergencies as the larger units , whose labour force normally lived nearby , and their need for ‘ on site ’ housing was every bit as critical .
23 A much more consistent theme , highly significant for this generation which bore the brunt of the late nineteenth-century attack on community provision for older people , emerges when a parent 's later years are mentioned : how their need for support was met .
24 From the cats ' point of view , they were simply fulfilling their need for exercise and their natural hunting instinct .
25 As more and more nations have become industrialised , their need for energy to run machines and cars , and to heat homes has increased .
26 The group achieved its highest scores on the qualities crucial for top executives : they relish control and are fiercely independent ; they analyse people , but are caring ; they are relaxed , extrovert and confident , and their optimism matches their need for action .
27 Less extreme , but also narcissistic in their need for reflection of the self , some people manage to find a member of the opposite sex who , despite difference of gender , is in physical terms remarkably , even strangely , like them .
28 Their need for food is easily met and the food we grow for ourselves on agricultural land is little more than a readily-available bonus .
29 They talked of their need for God and for healing and after talking about Christ , it seemed right to ask if they would like prayer straight away .
30 It is often assumed that clients interfere with their ulcers between treatments to ensure the community nurse will revisit and meet their need for social contact .
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